Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have I mentioned that Olivia has a very active imagination? Well- she does. At first I was worried that she had skitzophrenia, but I'm realizing it is normal to have imaginary friends.
She tells people about her "daughters" often. She has a daughter that is a baby, and one that is 15! She is always telling them what to do and apologizing for her daughters bad behavior. It is pretty funny.
Her favorite friend is "Deanna". (Dee-Anna) is always around. She is 3- and her hair color is always changing. Today it is purple. The other day Deanna bumped her head and it was bleeding. Olivia was crying for her. She had Dad give her a blessing. Jesus healed her and she was fine.
The other day Olivia claimed that her kitty was outside and she needed to go save her. It was stormy outside. Dad let her out to get her cat. Liv came back in, but then said "I have to go back out! I didn't get her!" I was some what annoyed and didn't want Liv going back out, so I stupidly told Olivia "I think your cat died. You don't have to go get her" I don't know what I was thinking. Olivia bursts into tears and ran to her Dad. Brett says "What is the matter!?" Olivia still crying like a maniac says "MY CAT IS DEAD!" Then I told Brett I was the one who gave her the idea. Brett fixed it all and said "I don't think your kitty is dead- I think she just ran away with a friend, so mom thought she died." That made Olivia content.
Sometimes these imaginary friends cause too much trouble around here. I guess I can't really just get rid of them though. I wonder when she will stop talking to all her friends and taking care of imaginary babies. It is such a weird idea to me. I don't think I ever did that.


Karen K. said...

I am laughing so hard I am crying. I can't believe you told her the cat was DEAD! Poor Olivia! Good save, Brett. Good save. hahahahahahahahaha...

Jill said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah, you are so stinking funny! I still can't believe you told her her cat was dead--that is hysterical!!!!! My favorite part is that you totally admit it! I love your honesty, you just crack me up!

Sarah Peterson said...

it is embarrassing to admit.. I shouldn't have told her that. I am not always the nicest ;)

Dawn said...

"I think your cat is dead". Ha Ha Ha! That is funny! She is in her own little "livie world" but that's ok, at least she always has someone to play with and as Claire gets older she'll drag her into livie world too. :-)

Kristen P. said...

Dead. Ha! I love it. Sam does not have imaginary friends..oh wait...except Shaggy and Scooby, and Batman who must be buckled into the car. Luckily they don't always come with us. And one time Kiss(you know the band) was coming to Thanksgiving. These kids! How boring would our lives be without them?

Valerie said...

Sarah, Olivia is awesome!! Eliza had two imaginary friends for a few years "Guy and Girl". They came with us everywhere. She just grew out of it. I think Olivia will be VERY creative and intelligent. I wouldn't worry too much. Thanks for sharing. You're a great Mom!

Dave & Melissa said...

LOL, that is too funny. I think it's great she has such a vivid imagination. I know it can be a pain sometimes, and others hard not to laugh at her, but honestly? I wouldn't want it any other way.

Dave & Melissa said...

By the way, what kind of camera do you have? Would you post a comment on my blog with the name of your camera? I'm bad about remembering to come back and check for answers on other people's blogs. Thanks!

Scott said...

it is very normal for children from 4-5 yo to have active imaginations, even to the point of it seeming 'real' to them. Still, I love this story!


oh my gosh sarah- this is hilarious! I can't believe you said she was dead- oh man, that made me laugh- so funny. I think it would be really annoying to have imaginary friends in the house- it's like having twice as many kids to care for! But fortunately it will some day pass! That is so funny you thought she had skitzophrenia! hahah. That's really cool that she is so creative.

Jennifer Lomenick said...

I am cracking up. I had imaginary friends when I was growing up all the time. I remember having Snow White and Bob with a pink cat and purple dog. They even drove the same car as us. My mom says that one time I saw Jesus at the DMV and customers all looked to see what I was waiting for with the door open. I love kids and their imaginations. I am shocked you admitted to telling her the cat was dead. Brett saved the day so the tears didn't go on all day.

Egghead said...

That is too funny. I remember Emma had two imaginary friends, Dee Dee and I can't remember the name of the other one. One day she was in a restaurant with Kyla and a lady came and sat down on the seat while waiting to get a table. Emma burst out crying because she said that the lady sat on Dee Dee. Oh man! Hilarious! No one knew Dee Dee was sitting there. However, I don't think she died like Livie's cat. Ha ha!