Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Crazy Lady

_ So yesterday we went up to Park City to buy Liv winter clothes for next year. It was a good trip. Anyway- so we pack into the car when Olivia says "I gotta pee!" Claire is crying because she hates the car right now and does not want to go for a drive. So I thought we would stop by the grocery store to go pee and buy a sucker to keep the girls quiet and happy for our 1 hour ride.
We were walking out of the store- I was holding Claire in 1 arm and Olivia was walking beside me holding my hand. We were walking quickly to get back to the car and out of the cold. That's when it happened. All of a sudden I hear a lady honk- so I look back wondering WHO she is honking at (it couldn't be me, I was just walking, right!?) Then, as I'm looking back the lady rolls down her window and yells "YOU A** HOLE, YOU SAW ME BACKING UP!" I gave her a perplexed look and giggled thinking "This lady is CRAZY!" Then I got scared and ran to the car to get away from her.
_ Apparently we walked past her parking spot that she was going to park in. I didn't know she was backing up to go into the spot. And no- her car was not even close to us when we walked across the parking spot. She was in the middle of the road. I thought maybe she went a little past a spot and was backing up to pull forward into a spot. Seriously- I have never had someone SO mad at me for something as simple as walking across a parking spot.
_ At first I laughed and just could not believe my ears! Then as I thought about it I got a little mad that the lady was screaming curse words at a mother with 2 small children. I still can not believe it. Luckily Olivia and Claire weren't paying attention, and since I didn't acknowledge her at all they didn't even know what was going on.


Karen K. said...

That was uncalled for. Anyone who backs up in a grocery store parking lot is asking for trouble if you ask me. There are people darting everywhere--especially kids. Just keep going and come around and come back Lady! I can't believe she called you that name, either. Right...of COURSE you knew she was backing up. THAT'S why you walked where you did with your kids (that's my sarcasm dripping...) Aaagh! How rude. Hopefully it was just a really bad day for her. How would you like to live with that or like that!? How sad. Actually, she reminds me of a certain person I know (who, as far as I know, does not read my blog) but will (still) remain nameless. ;)

Dave & Melissa said...

How rude! Some people have absolutely no manners, I swear. I'm glad Olivia didn't hear her. That could have been an uncomfortable conversation. "Mommy, what's an ____?" LOL I hope your shopping trip was a success, though.

Blevins family of three said...

Wow some people! She was obviously having a bad day! I can't believe it when people are that mean to to others, especially for something so silly! Sorry you had to deal with that!

Dawn said...

Some people are so classy!

April said...

Some people need to take a chill pill! I let stuff like that get to me and then it ruins my hole day! What a beast! Love the camera strap by the way, you're so creative!

Jon said...

That Lady is CRAZY!!! Anyone who would yell at a person with 2 small children while navigating a parking lot is CRAZY. Carry Mace.

Kristen P. said...

I don't like crazy ladies, either. Today, I was entering the freeway. I could see there was a car in the lane a ways back. I could also tell that she was not slowing down. But I hit the gas so as not to have to stop completely on the on ramp and figured that once I was in the lane she would not try to hit me. WRONG!!! She in fact started going faster and refused to change lanes. She totally almost caused a three car+ accident with me and the guy in the other lane. Get off the road crazy ladies! I would have yelled back at your crazy lady and told her what a horrible person she was for swearing like that at me but I'm a little mouthy sometimes. You are not which is better.

jnnut said...

I totally agree w/your mom. It's soo uncalled for! It bugs me that there are people who have no regards or respect for others anymore. It's all about them and no one else. Those people suck!

Jill said...

Wow. Totally classy. Besides, what moron backs up in a parking lot unless they're backing OUT of a space?! If she'd have been parking like a normal, decent person she wouldn't have risked someone walking behind her car. Scum bag. Sorry, I get a little irate at foul-mouthed people who think they own the world. Errrr it's so trashy to talk like that at ALL!

Amanda D said...

That's so unfortunate that some people behave that way. It's so unnecessary. Sorry to hear about that.


Oh my gosh- I can't believe that lady! That is awful! I would have been so mad.

Natalie said...

Really?! How ridiculous. I always stew about things like this... Bother!

PS, Cute camera strap!