Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meeting Santa

waiting for her turn.. Almost there!

a little shy... (notice the tight grip on Daddy's jacket!)

warming up a bit...

So happy she made it through, and even got candy! YUMM!!

Olivia got to meet Santa tonight. She did rather well considering her fear of new people. She can be pretty shy. As you can see, there was definitely no sitting on or near the man, but she did tell him a few things. She said she would like a Barbie for Christmas and she said Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Here is my belly at almost exactly 38 weeks. I had my appointment today. I am now dilated to a 3 and 90% affaced. Oh, and I can feel it! I hope hope hope she makes her way into this word before Christmas Day. Our bags are now packed for the hospital and Livies is packed for where ever she ends up! She made sure to pack toys and books (just incase Emmies took her since she has no toys at her house!) Emmies- don't worry she would still LOOOOOVE to go to your house and talks about you 90% of the time she's talking. ;) She loves her Auntie!


Cecilia said...

How cute! My kids don't like that Santa (don't ask me why!!!!). We went there a few weeks ago, but now they want to go see the "real" Santa at Provo Towne.
Olivia is such a cutie!

Valerie said...

Good luck with everything, Sarah! It's bound to be soon. How exciting!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute 38 weeks pregnant!

Lora said...

Sarah you are the cutest ever! For your sake I hope this baby comes quick! Livy is darling.. She has your personality already!

Karen K. said...

Thank you!!!!!!!!! For your sake I hope little Claire arrives soon. For mine, I hope she waits a bit. I'll vote for you though. :) I love the picture of Olivia and Brett. Oh, and the one where she's hunched down looking down the aisle at Santa.

Dawn said...

Loving the belly! Sounds like you are almost there. Livie did great! I have pics of myself at that age arching my back & screaming bloody murder while my parents took the time to snap a photo with dear old Santa clause. The anticipation picture is so sweet. I love it when little ones assume the squat position.

Kelli said...

Cute pictures with Santa! And she's so polite too! :) I can't believe how small you are at 38 weeks! I hope she comes soon for you as well, it sounds like it won't be too long!

Natalie said...

Cute. Olivia looks very happy at the end! He's a cute Santa too.
Good luck... hope you go soon!


Alright, all caught up now. the pics of Livie below "blue eyes" are so cute. Ok- first of all- I'm so sick of the santa's practically wearing pajamas! I hate those ugly shirts they wear, what happened to the classic red suit?!!! I hate it. That is so cute that she was so shy- I loved the tight hand grip! I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't point it out. I'm so excited for your baby! You're going to be a family of 4! That is crazy! twice the size of mine. Way much more responsibility than I have in my life. You are so strong! You look so cute in your pregnant picture!!!! You're hair looks blondish, did you get highlights? it's really cute. TWILIGHT: ok, I haven't read the books, so I loved it. And I've heard that from everyone, if you haven't read them you loved it, if you have read them, you were dissapointed. BUT- they are having a different director do the 2nd one, and better budget, so it will be better. I think Edward is really hot. in his celebrity photos, there are a lot where he looks ugly, but I think he's hot in the movie. I don't care for him durring the glitter scene with his skin. I miss you. I wish you lived here. love you.

Dave & Melissa said...

You look great! Merry Christmas, you guys. It is so fun having a brand new baby right around Christmas. Ellie (my second) was born in December and it just made my heart melt. I felt so close to the savior and felt I knew Mary just a little bit more. It was amazing. Good luck, you're in our prayers.

Karen K. said...

I was looking at your Live Traffic Feed. Do you know who all those people are? Mississippi? Just curious. :)