Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby Update

Well- today I went in for another Dr's appointment. The little babe seems to be doing very well. My tummy has been measuring really small and they have seemed a little concerned about this, So, today the Dr took me in to do an ultra-sound to make sure little Claire was not too tiny. She measures about 6 lbs. 3 oz. as of today, so she is right on schedule. She should be right around the same size as Live when she is born- of course depending on how early/late she is. Her head is REALLY far down and ready to push on out- so it hopefully shouldn't be long! I am dialated to 2 1/2 and 80% affaced. I feel 9 months pregnant. There is no denying how uncomfortable the last few months are! I can't wait to hold her and snuggle her! We are excited!!


Karen K. said...

I can't wait to hold and cuddle and snuggle Baby Claire either! I am so excited! It is starting to seem real. Now, you remember to call me when you start having contractions, hear? I love you!

Kristen P. said...

How is it that you can just walk around dialated and effaced so with NO baby yet? I'm sure it will be soon. I thought for sure she would have been here already. We're excited for you, once she's here of course, until then...hang in there.

Chad and Jessica said...

Yay! I'm glad everything is going well. OOOooooh the anticipation! Am I imagining this, or are most 9 month pregnant women constantly (at least) slightly paranoid they'll go into labor? Aren't you freaked out you'll be in the middle of some public place and start going into labor, or have the movies made things WAY overly dramatic and you can feel it coming on slowly? Either way, GOOD LUCK!

Dawn said...

Sounds a lot like my pregnancy with Lex, measuring too small, walking around dilated to a 3 and 100% effaced. However when I did have contractions it was only 2 hours before she came out. She was 5 days early. The worst part was having contractions ALL night long thinking "this is it" and then they would cease in the morning. Hang in there, it won't be too much longer! Can't wait to see her!!

jnnut said...

I'm soo jealous of you! I'm due before you and I'm nowhere NEAR close to dilated or effaced and was hoping to be induced on the 18th. ARrrgh..I walked a lot and quite often too but that doesn't seem to work! What's your trick, Missy? -Jennifer (Kristen's sister in law)

Dave & Melissa said...

YAY! She'll be here any time. We're so happy for you.

Brandi Clark said...

That is so exciting Sarah. I agree on being miserable the last month especially. Good luck with your little one.

dean said...

keep us posted! so exciting. told Brett how we thought of claire too. love the donuts & all the catching up. sweet stories- how funny she is & growing up.