Sunday, December 28, 2008

Latest News

I am stunned.. Little baby Claire has yet to show up. Olivia was 1 week and 1 day early. I thought this baby would be EARLIER then her... apparently she has other plans. Tomorrow (3 days from my due date) I will have my membranes stripped. You can look that one up if you don't know what I'm talking about. If there is still no baby I will be induced January 2. The day after my due date. The Doc says if I don't want a C-section we shouldn't let her get too big (but I am not fond of inducing BEFORE the due date...) So, that's the latest- hoping she comes some time tomorrow... I will be sure to post pics and updates again soon! Oh- p.s. I am SOO happy she didn't come Christmas! What a good little babe!


Dawn said...

Hey if you have her before January 1st you get a tax deduction for the year. I would induce on the 31st or you could have the first baby of the year and win lots of goodies. Oh so many possibilities. How are you feeling? Still Dilated to a 3? Any contractions? Good luck! Hopefully she comes quick for you when she does decide to arrive. I can't wait to see pictures.

Lora said...

How exciting! Good luck with everything we are hoping and praying for you! My sister is expecting also any second so maybe you'll be there at the same time! GOOD LUCK! we're praying for you!

Cecilia said...

I was wondering about that today...I'm glad you gave us an update!
Tiffany was induced and it was a great experience, better than Tiago 1 week late an I almost had to have a C-section because he was too big.

I'll keep you guys in my prayers :)


It's getting SO CLOSE!! I know your mom is super excited! Actually, I'm excited, and I really only know you through your mom and the occasional checks on your blog!
I'm kind of with Dawn... Go for the tax deduction or 1st baby of the new year?!?! Hmm... that's a tough one. Good luck over the next few days. I know she will be here soon!
PS: I hear you on having the baby early. Ethan was almost 2 full weeks early and I fully expect that whenever we have another one that that baby will also be early... Which probably means I'll go past the due date. Oh bother.

Jill said...

Well I lost the bet, that sucks! :) Hopefully little Claire Bear comes soon, I can't wait to see pictures! Hope you're feeling good! Well, as good as possible, anyway :P

jnnut said...

I'm rooting for you. I had a difficult delivery on the 26th. 3 hrs of pushing too. Other than that, I am glad I'm no longer pregnant and that Kurt has arrived, safe & sound. Hurry up Claire and don't pull a Kurt and come a day late of due date!

Asay's said...

Yea!! I am so glad that you found my blog. Everything looks like it is going great with you. Your family is so cute. I really miss you on the enrichment committee. Are you still doing hair? I hope all goes well with the delivery I will keep looking for new posts. So good to hear form you.

Kristen P. said...

As for the waiting until your due date to be induced, I know a lady who has never gone into labor on her own (she was induced two weeks late once, too). Claire is ready to be born at this point whether you go into labor or not. Think of those babies who survive being born at 20 weeks! Claire will be fine if you induce. Hope she comes soon!


Sarah! I'm so excited! And I love the name you picked out by the way, i don't know if I ever told you that. I'm glad you got to have a Christmas, even though you were probably just anxious the whole time trying not to think about the baby. I love you! can't wait to see the pics.

Natalie said...

its news!?!