Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Olivia's Latest

Latest and Greatest from Sarisker on Vimeo.
Sorry the clips are a little short- It's hard to make her do what I want on video.. You know how it goes! Along with her No no no's, she also is saying " yo yo yo" and "o-e-o-e-o" and "Ut- Ooooh" It's so funny to listen to.


Anonymous said...

ought-oh! I hope she didn't learn that word from Hannah!

Anonymous said...

Now that she can say no you'll be hearing it a lot (in different voice tones, whiney, joking, mad, etc.) for the next 18 years! Cute Jammies.

nettie said...

OLIVIA! morgan has the exact same pj's! come visit so you two can be twinners!

Valerie said...

I love her little cheeks when she says "No, no, no". So sweet!!

Jill said...

Isn't it annoying that they'll be doing all of their tricks up until the MOMENT you pull out the camera? It drives me crazy! She's adorable as ever!

Anonymous said...

I love that you caught her dancing. The stomping dance cracks me up. Cutie!

Alisha said...

her face when she says "no" is soooooo cute!!
we'll have to have a dance party with these little girls when i come over!

Kelli said...

Aww she's too cute! I love the new dance moves!

Lanette said...

Ahhh! She is so cute!