Saturday, November 10, 2007

Go BYU !

We got to go to the last BYU football game. Brett was so excited. We forgot the tickets at home, so we missed kick-off and Brett was pretty sad about it. BUT it was still fun, and Livie was pretty much an angel for the most part. For her good behavior she got a new BYU hat (I knew she had been wanting one..hehe!) Oh, and incase your wondering, that blue splotch on Olivia's face was SUPPOSED to be a blue Y, but it rubbed off and never looked that great from the beginning. oooh well.


Anonymous said...

I love Livie's hat. You guys are brave taking a toddler to a game. She must be so much better behaved then my kids ever were. What are you doing thanksgiving weekend? We might be coming up. I'd love to see you.

Karen K. said...

Where'd she get the gold jacket? She is such the little Cougar! Cosmo must have rubbed off on her last(?) week! I know, why don't you come HERE for Thanksgiving? hehe. Love ya!

Sarah Peterson said...

we'll be here Tracey- I think we're going to my in-laws house which is just 15 minutes away. So, if you call we can plan something. We would LOVE to see you this time! And Ma, YOU bought her the gold jacket! It's just the under-part of the fluffy pink jacket we bought at Osh-Kosh. Remember? And, I'm sorry but the 15 hour drive home just DOESN'T sound appealing... Why don't you come HERE for Thanksgiving!?

Anonymous said...

And the night game too! You guys are brave! We took Hannah to one game this year (and a couple last year). She also was pretty good... but we took her to one it rained.

We took her to a BYU volleyball game this week and she LOVED Cosmo! She was spotting him and pointing when he was on the other end of Smith Field House!

Cute hat! Go cougars!

Karen K. said...

No, I think you should come HERE for Thanksgiving cuz I don't get you for Christmas. So there. Hmmph. (Will that work???)

Alisha said...

no more fighting over blogger! it's against policy :).
livie is so cute!

Karen K. said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. ;)
(Alisha, you obviously have good 'mom' genes!)

Chad and Jessica said...

That must have been so much fun. That's funny Olivia wanted a BYU hat so bad...I didn't even know any sports teams until I was 5 or 6. Chad and I love it when people bring their young kids to games, cuz they are so funny to watch. At the duck game, there was a little girl in a duck Halloween was awesome. She would give us high-fives after the touchdowns. I"m impressed though, she must be REALLY well behaved. : )