Thursday, November 01, 2007


Last night we stayed home to pass put candy (including the candy Liv collected at the trunk-or treat so we wouldn't eat it!) Anyway- every time the door bell rang I ran to the door and said "yea! trick or treaters!" and Livie came running to the door with me. She grinned and giggled and LOVED the trick-or- treaters. She always said "HI!" and as they left she would wave and say "hi. hi!" (she still doesn't quite understand that it's "bye", but at least she waves with the good-byes!) So, the door shuts, I put the candy bowl back on the table and what does Olivia do?! She starts SCREAMING at the top of her lungs and reaches for the candy. Did this happen just once!? NO! EVERY single time someone came to the door the vicious cycle would repeat. I tried hiding the candy before I shut the door, but she still wanted it. Olivia LOOOOOVES candy. We should have never let her try her 1st sucker a week ago.


Tracey said...

My kids would have cried if you tried to give the candy away. At least you were able to hand out candy. Liv looks so happy. When I saw this picture I could here that little car going meep meep wheeee. I bet she loves when it does that. Does she throw the firetruck just to hear it's siren? Dave loved playing with that one. Sometimes it feels like I have five kids. LOL

Anonymous said...

How funny. Sounds like she is going to have a sweet tooth. I am horrible I love sugar and if I remember correctly your mom says they same about you? :0).

Chad and Jessica said...

lol, that's so funny. I'm impressed she just tried candy so recently. You're such a good mom. I wonder how many trick or treaters you had, that could have been a long night, but hurray for Halloween, I love costumes. Your Jack and Jill costumes were really creative, I never would have thought of that, and ofcourse the bumblebee outfit was to die for!

Sarah Peterson said...

yes Tracey- Olivia loves that little car thing and is ALWAYS pushing it around the floor to hear it! And Dawn- it's true, I LOOOVE sweets too. Livie must have gotten it from me.
And Jessica- we only had probably 20 doorbell rings throughout the night (but about 5 kids in each group) So not as many as you would think..

Alisha said...

lol!! that cracks me up.

Kelli said...

Ha ha what a funny girl! She definitely isn't going to be fooled when it comes to candy ;)

Karen K. said...

Are those little brown sweat pants? She looks so cute! I love her big blue eyes...especially when I enlarge the photo. I may have to crop it and frame those eyes! Remember to video her saying ruff ruff and ooooooh or whatever it is she says for moo.


That is so funny! SHe is getting really big! Sorry I haven't been checking your blog- life has been kinda hard lately. Was halloween so fun with olivia?! I love that she got so happy and excited every SINGLE time, and then automatically screamed after. hahha. She is so adorable. I hope you're doing well. I love you.