Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not much going on..

Livie and Daddy resting

Emily and her date Travis (I think) going to a Halloween party

So,we haven't been up to much lately. It turns out Brett didn't have food poisoning since I got it a few days ago too! It must've been the stomache flu... I'm just getting over it, thankfully it didn't last too long. I HATE throwing up- I can honestly say to me it's as bad as labor (I can compare equally since I threw up while I was in labor) I'm SOOO happy I didn't have the moring sickness like other people do. I had it so good... Lucky lucky me! Our neighbors brought over dinner last night when they heard we were sick- so nice of them. We have some of the best neighbors around. Emily, my sister has been going on lots of dates and seems to be having lots of fun. So, Olivia will no longer be a bumblebee. Her costume came and won't fit her until next year, or maybe the year after that... So, now we don't have time to order another one so I am making a costume for her. She will now be a bunny! Goodness.. I still haven't thought of what I'll be. Costuming is lots of work!


Karen K. said...

How cute Emily and Travis look. I finally get to "see" my other 'baby' again (even if it is in a photo. She doesn't change as quickly as Olivia does though. Brett and Olivia look pretty comfy too.