Thursday, October 26, 2006

We're Home Again!

Well, we made it home. The plane ride went well again, but the car ride home is another story... So, Brett bought a new car on Saturday while I was in Oregon (yes, he had my permission) I wasn't too sure about it, but Brett was so he did it! We got a Honda CRV- it's a smal SUV that gets pretty good gas milage. So, anyways, Brett was excited to get to drive it to Salt Lake to pick us up. Unfortunately he made a bad decision at luch and got food poisoning! So, he was VERY sick when he got to the airport. He was too sick to drive and felt like he might vomit again, so I was going off the first exit to get to a bathroom. Unfortunatley we did not make it. Brett puked as we were pulling into a 7-11. We did have a ripped up bag that was holding Olivia's car seat, but it was not all in-tact so the icky vomit leaked out all over the passenger seat. There goes that "new car" smell. Meanwhile, I forgot to mention Olivia was screaming in the backseat because she was hungry (I'm not sure why since she had eaten twice on the plane! that little stinker!) So, after cleaning up and feeding Livie we were back on the road. I thought we would make it home fine after that... but I guess fate took another course. Brett was feeling really sick again as we got into Spanish Fork. Olivia decided she was starving again at about that time too. She eats like a cow!- ALL day long! So, again, Brett was moaning and Olivia was crying as I tried to hurry home, but not speed (you just can't speed in a new car for fear you'll get in a wreck the first time driving it) Luckily this time Brett made it inside and Olivia ofcourse made it too- she kinda had to. So, all in all, we made it safely and we are home! Brett stayed home sick yesterday- it was awful. Non-stop explosions... Poor boy. He's back at work though today and feeling lots better, but still not 100%. So, that's it for now!


Scott said...

Oh, man! What an awful experience for Brett. . . where did you eat and what did you have? Yikes! I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad to see you and 'livie are back and well. Can't wait to see the daily pics.

Sarah Peterson said...

it was subways's cajun steak sandwhich, and I guess Bretts friend Donny and his wife got food poisoning from subway a week ago too- it sent her to the hospital since she's pregnant... scary!

Scott said...

maybe you should let that subway know what happened . . . so that it doesn't happen to anyone else! Yikes!!

Kristen P. said...

Actually, who you should tell is the Health Dept. Subway isn't going to turn themselves in. If three got sick, more got sick. This is considered an outbreak. I would if I were you.

Sarah Peterson said...

Brett wrote a letter to the Subway head-quarters, and he says they will send out inspectors... so, we'll see

Valerie said...

More importantly...that new car smell is gone! ;) What a bummer for Brett, and all involved. Reading the latest post, did you get sick too, Sarah? Being a mom and being sick are a WICKED combination. You have no time off.