Friday, September 27, 2013


 Asher so obviously loves all of the kisses and love Emma gives him! As soon as Em wakes up in the morning or from her nap the first thing she says is "BABY? HI!" and will run to the bassinet to give Asher kisses. I love when she walks into the room because the minute she enters she starts saying "HI! hi.. hiiiii!" in a little sing song voice. She is just so excited to see Asher again!

 Claires first day of Pre-School. When I dropped her off, she ran over to her new teacher yelling "Hi teacher Brandee!" and gave her new teacher a big hug.
 we are really loving all the boy clothes! They are so cute and manly!
 Asher is still LOVING his binky. If it weren't for his binky he would cry... A LOT! If he's not sucking on his binky he is either asleep or nursing. He can go about 15 minutes without before he starts crying. The girls love to 'save' him and run to put his binky in the minute he starts his crying.

 On this day I was nursing Asher while Emma was in the bath. She decided bath time was over and jumped out herself. She grabbed her favorite blanky and wrapped it around herself! It was so funny to see her running around naked with her little blanky and mermaid doll.
 Snuggle time while watching TV. We watch a lot of TV when we have new babies. There is not a whole lot else we can do easily while nursing. Emma can only watch for about 5 minutes before she runs off to get into touble. She seriously loves getting into trouble. She is busy busy busy!


Betty said...

Thank you for posting these
pictures. I love to see the great grandkiddies. They are so cute.