Thursday, August 02, 2012

Emma Kate 9 month stats

Yes, Emma is now 11 months, but I never posted her last stats! oops!
Weight: 17 lbs (34%)
Height:27'' (23%)
Head: 17'' (48%)
She is now crawling, and getting really excited to walk- she has taken a few steps and was so excited! She is a momma lover, and still breastfeeds probably too much (like 6 times a day). She is a good sleeper for the most part. She likes to eat, and does pretty well with most solids.


Britta said...

Look at those two cute little teeth! Henry only has one obvious one at this point.

Emily D said...

She is a sweetie pie! I just love how excited she gets around animals.

Dave & Melissa said...

Awww, what a beautiful baby! I love her pretty blue eyes! She is so tiny compared to my kids!!!


just caught up a little bit on your blog. Cutie Emma. I have a question- you said you prob nurse too much? How much are you supposed to be nursing at this point? Is there a rule?

Karen K. said...

Emma is now a year. Just a hint... HINT HINT.