Friday, August 31, 2012

Emma turns 1!

 The girls wrapped up old toys for Emmas birthday! Em didn't mind one bit, she LOVED her 'new' pink monkey!
 She did get one new toy- a hopping bunny. Every time she saw it at the store she would laugh and hug it. So, she got it! She loves her bunny!

 Since Emma LOVES ice cream, I thought I would make her an icecream cake for her birthday. Not the best idea! Trying to dive into a frozen cake... not so easy!!

On her Birthday we decided to take her to the Zoo since she really loves animals. It turned out to be a great trip! We ate at a buffet called Chuck-a-rama for dinner. It was surprisingly VERY good that night! The quality of food was not expected! Anyway- it was a fun day for all!
Here are her 1 year stats:
Height:28.75" (33%)
Weight:19 lbs. (43%)
Head: 17.5 (36%)


Britta said...

She is such a pretty little girl! She gets prettier with each set of photos you post.

Karen K. said...

I owe that little munchkin a birthday present! What cute pics. She looks so happy. What was she listening to on the headphones?

Egghead said...

A year already? Seems like you just had her. She is really cute. I love her little grin. Happy birthday to Emma!

Dawn said...

Sounds like a great day! I can't believe she is 1 already! That's nuts!!

Sblogger said...

Happy birthday to Emma! She is sooooo darn cute!

Alisha said...

happy birthday!! can't believe it's been a year!