Thursday, April 01, 2010

Our trip to D.I.

Today we went to DI. I have never bought clothes there. Today I kept finding LOTS of good stuff though. I couldn't believe it! I think next time I want to look for clothes I will go there! A lot of stuff is like new, but only $3 or $5 It is awesome. I always thought used looked used. Which a lot of the shirts do, but there are plenty of nice pants! Here is what we got:

A new doll.
It was LOVE at first sight. Plus the yarn hair is perfect for learning to braid!

3 capris and 1 shirt

and 2 gently used books.
(the book in the pic has a whole bunch of nursery rhymes! Liv LOVES book)

All for a grand total of:

Pretty good if you ask me!


Karen K. said...

REALLY good! I'm not good at recognizing labels so I don't know what the bottom pair is but Banana Republic ain't cheap! Liv is so precious next to that doll. I love her sososososoooooooooo much! What a beautiful little light-up-the-room smile she has.

Alisha said...

that doll is so cute!

Dave & Melissa said...

what a steal! CUTE pants

April said...

Brett stops at DI at least 2 times a week. He really has found some great stuff. 80% of Lukes clothes and toys are second hand stuff. I love it! Hope you had a wonderful b-day! The cake looks amazing, you are so talented!

Lora said...

Sheesh Sarah I think I need your finding skills. I never find anything good at DI. You came away with a steal! That pic of Livi is DARLING!!