Monday, April 12, 2010

I had a Dream

Last night I had a dream. It was scary- as most of my dreams are ;) This one was of importance though. I was with my family camping and we were flooded out. Every one was in the car together floating in the water hoping we wouldn't sink (I don't know why we didn't! Probably because it was a dream!!) Anyway- we were realizing that all of our stuff was lost and gone. My mom was SO upset because she realized the beautiful dress she had just bought was now gone. She said "I know what they are saying now when they say we will have to sacrifice!" I told her they were just THINGS. (As I secretly was having a panic attack that I didn't have my camera anymore) Then I realized Brett had gone on a walk and wasn't in the car with us. Then I woke up.
It was a FREAKY dream! But it has caused me to ponder. I want to be PREPARED. For anything. God has given me today, tomorrow, and who knows how long to prepare. What will I sacrifice to be prepared? I want to be prepared physically and spiritually. TODAY I have the time, I have money, I have a house, I have the scriptures. I have everything I need to get prepared. My children will grow up before I know it. Today is what I have to prepare them for what is to come tomorrow. God has given us a commandment to be prepared. He has told us what is to come. It is no secret. Study your scriptures TODAY, prepare just 1 thing that you may need or want to have ready if a disaster strikes.


Karen K. said...

I was concerned about a DRESS? Oh me, oh my. You are very smart though to pay attention to your dream. I think we, as a society or culture sometimes think we're exempt to having trauma and disasters in our lives--kind of a 'that's for other countries or other people' kind of attitude (also known as naivety? ;) Regardless, being prepared for disasters, job losses, pains, traumas, deaths, etc. helps to ease the difficulties and heartaches of such things. Now I need to go and prepare just one thing when I get home. Hmmmm. What should it be... I love you!

Karen K. said...

And you're right. It is YOU who has to prepare your children for the world in which they'll live. That is a major responsibility--especially given the attitudes and such that are going on in this day and age. We live in such a "me me" society and all you parents have your work cut out in determining how to teach your kids it's really about serving and reaching out and not always getting. This really doesn't have much to do with your dream, does it? ;)

Karen K. said...

Do you ever feel kind of like Noah? ;) ;) ;)

Sarah Peterson said...

writing this post- I do MA. I feel like Noah. PREPARE YE PREPARE!

Karen K. said...

Well, Noah, yesterday my "one thing" was to gather up my prescriptions and put them in my 72-hour pack! DONE!


this post makes me miss you. That was an intersting and good dream- I'm glad you are so righteous and want to be prepared for everything physical and spiritual, I think you are such a wonderful woman- I love you

Natalie said...

Sarah so true! Thank you for the reminder!