Claires first Year from Sarisker on Vimeo.
- Kevin and Amy
- Adam and Kristen
- Hailey D.
- Kacy D.
- Mike and Amy
- Chris and Kim
- Steve and Brenda
- Jeff and Heather
- Chris and Andrea
- Sean and Jennifer
- Nic and Natalie
- Adam and Kami
- Tate and Emily
- Michael and Lynda
- Tim and Roxy
- Chad and Jessica
- Rory and Tosha
- Jay and Lorinda
- Shaun and Lanette
- Dave and Vonda
- Kelli
- Dan and Carina
- James and Cecelia
- Adam and Brandi
- Dave and Tiff
- Blaine and Aika
- Daniel and Tiffany
- Dave and Melissa
- Kurt and Dean
- Mike and Lora
- John and Laurel
Private Blogs
Favorite Photography Blogs
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Events
1- Christmas Eve- the girls opened new matching PJ's. Livie loves them- and has worn them 3 nights in a row! New pj's is a Cristmas tradition.
2- Liv got new bubble bath from Santa. She said "I think I am stinky. I need a bath!" All she really wanted was to try out her new bubbles! She made Claire beards, hats, and "tails" with her bubbles!
3- We finally got a sled. With all our snow and our hill behind our house it was about time!
4- Christmas Eve we made cookies and put them out for Santa. We even put out a carrot for the rein deer.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Polar Express

Above:Awaiting Santa (they were VERY excited he had come on the train!)
Below: Talking to an elf and Mrs. Clause

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Baby Luke has Arrived!
Francisco and Emily welcomed baby Luke Javier Darquea this morning at 5:02 am.
Emma's water broke at 3:00 am and by the time she got to the hospital she had Luke with just 4 pushes! There was no time for an epidural! If you go natural that is the best way to do it- FAST! Luke is SO darling and tiny! He grunts a lot. What a sweet sweet little man. We can't wait to baby- sit!!
Luke getting a diaper change- not ideal for video but the most awake you'll see from a newborn!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Cards
Well- the Christmas cards are out.. If you did not recieve one it is because I either don't have your address, or it is not current! So- e-mail me at if you didn't get one! We don't want ANY one left out.. so really, e-mail me.
On a side note I was VERY upset at how DARK the darn photo Christmas card was. The picture just got SO dark when it was printed. I was mad, but didn't care TOO much to re-print, and I sent them anyway!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 11, 2009
All I want for Christmas is...
Friday, December 04, 2009
Although she drives me nuts...
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Lights at Temple Square
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pictures with Grandma
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Emmas baby Shower
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Go Cougars!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Claires Twin
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Olivia colored a turkey for a contest. No- she is not a winner... Because the people you are supposed to turn it into didn't want it! The young teenagers at Hogi Yogi were unaware that they were supposed to take it when we brought it in. Instead they gave Liv a free cookie and said we could keep the drawing. We wanted to win! How will we win if she can't turn it in!? Oh-well- maybe we will get it into another Hogi Yogi that knows what they are doing!
Yes- she colored it all by herself! Pretty good if you ask me!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween! The weather was perfect! Just the day before it was snowing/raining so we got so lucky that it was warm! Liv got to go trick-or treating and loved it (for about 1/2 hour) After that Emma and Francisco came over we had dinner, made caramel apples and watched 'The Forgotten' It was a fun evening!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pumpkins and snow
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Baby Luke
Well- I started a game thing to guess when my sisters baby will come. No one has really played though- so I thought I should put it on my blog too! Go HERE to play. In case you need to enter a "game name" it is 'LukeDarquea'. Emma- you should put it on your blog too!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Today we went on our first pre-scool field trip to Cornbellys. It was also a first for getting lost. Olivia was playing on a train thing with friends. The next thing I know I can't find her. Unfortunately for me- there is a GINORMOUS corn maze just a hop skip and a jump from where we were playing. So- off I go into the very large corn maze- meant to get people LOST! I was frantic. I prayed a lot. Finally I ran into a guy that said he had heard something on the intercom about a lost girl. I ran to the entrance of the place. There she was. Not scared, just bored. I am still not sure what happened.. how she got lost or who found her. I am just SOOO thankful this is a story that I can say "remember when.." rather then being on Oprah as the mom who lost her daughter.
I hated every minute of this incident. I love my little Livie too much to lose her. Oh- on a side note the whole ordeal lasted about 15 minutes (I think,, maybe it was 20? It felt like forever!)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Photos
Friday, October 16, 2009
Claires stats (10 month)
Head: 17.5 inches (59%)
Weight: 18 lbs (31%)
Length: 28.5 inches (74%)
Claire can...
-Eat like a cow. She LOVES to eat. She is eating real solids now like cracker and bananas- and learning SO fast. She is starting to get a little blocked up from it. Any suggestions?
-She crawls like crazy
-I think she is sleeping through the night again (I haven't been turning the monitor on)
-She loves to see sister... Livie ALWAYS makes her smile (and makes her cry the most too!)
-Although she saves her smiles, she is pretty content most of the time
-She drools constantly and I have to change her bib 2x a day because it gets soaked
-She says lots of jibberish but I'm not sure if any means much yet
What a fun Girl!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Trying to catch the quirks
Today Olivia and I tirelessly tried to get Claire to smile for a picture. Not just ANY smiling picture, but one of her latest smiles. She scrunches her nose and smiles with all she has. It is SOO cute. We could not get her to do it even after trying for an hour. She is so solemn. Her smiles are genuine- she doesn't smile for just anything! We will get it soon enough though! Also- she has a tounge thing she has been doing lately. That also I will try to catch on film ;)
Here are the looks Claire gave us..