Thursday, November 12, 2009


Olivia colored a turkey for a contest. No- she is not a winner... Because the people you are supposed to turn it into didn't want it! The young teenagers at Hogi Yogi were unaware that they were supposed to take it when we brought it in. Instead they gave Liv a free cookie and said we could keep the drawing. We wanted to win! How will we win if she can't turn it in!? Oh-well- maybe we will get it into another Hogi Yogi that knows what they are doing!

Yes- she colored it all by herself! Pretty good if you ask me!


Karen K. said...

Well of COURSE she should win! That is really good coloring--she did really well at staying in the lines on those turkey feathers and she chose some really pretty colors. That is a HUGE difference in how she colored just this past summer. What an angel. And her hair is growing! And yeah, try another Hogi Yogi.

Amanda D said...

She is talented. Your pictures are adorable and make it such a temptation to get a good camera. The sink bath is so cute by the way and completely adorable.

Kristen P. said...

That is VERY good. Sam won't even bother coloring anything. But he didn't exactly start out with the best genes for artsy talent.

lindsaymarchant said...

Really good! Seriously!! I have taught kindergarten and hardly any of them color that well. She has very good fine motor skills. I am impressed!!

Natalie said...

Really?! Wow! I'm super impressed!

Egghead said...

Really she did great! And anyway she is still the "winner". I love how proud she looks.