Friday, October 16, 2009

Claires stats (10 month)

So- here are Claires 10 month stats even though she is still only 9 1/2 months old...
Head: 17.5 inches (59%)
Weight: 18 lbs (31%)
Length: 28.5 inches (74%)

Claire can...
-Eat like a cow. She LOVES to eat. She is eating real solids now like cracker and bananas- and learning SO fast. She is starting to get a little blocked up from it. Any suggestions?
-She crawls like crazy
-I think she is sleeping through the night again (I haven't been turning the monitor on)
-She loves to see sister... Livie ALWAYS makes her smile (and makes her cry the most too!)
-Although she saves her smiles, she is pretty content most of the time
-She drools constantly and I have to change her bib 2x a day because it gets soaked
-She says lots of jibberish but I'm not sure if any means much yet


Natalie said...

I was thinking "10 months?!" :) Keep the fruits coming too, that may help.

How did picture taking go today?! Wish we could have played. Hopefully soon.

Brandi said...

haylee is 6 1/2 months old and she weighs 19.12 lbs and is 28.5 inches. LOL She is 90% for everything. Amazingly her weight is actually on the charts now!!! Still won't eat anything but baby cereal though. She wants to eat table food...

Scott said...

Sarah, feed Claire fewer bananas. They're what is backing her up. Some other fruits like pears or veggies like carrots should help her be more regular, though a poopy diaper every other day or so is pretty normal.

Sarah Peterson said...

it is not so much regularity that is a problem. She poops like 3 times a day. The problem is I think that she is pooping 3 times a day because she can't get it out. It is always just like one hard poop. Too descriptive!? I'll be sure to not give her bananas. Thanks Scott!

nettie said...

i had to give my kids a little prune juice to keep them regular (just mixed about 1-2 tablespoons with their milk). another thing that is a constipator is rice cereal, not sure if she's still eating that, but i always use the oatmeal instead. love the pic