Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trying to catch the quirks

Today Olivia and I tirelessly tried to get Claire to smile for a picture. Not just ANY smiling picture, but one of her latest smiles. She scrunches her nose and smiles with all she has. It is SOO cute. We could not get her to do it even after trying for an hour. She is so solemn. Her smiles are genuine- she doesn't smile for just anything! We will get it soon enough though! Also- she has a tounge thing she has been doing lately. That also I will try to catch on film ;)

Here are the looks Claire gave us..

Here is an ALMOST smile that I wanted to catch. It is not nearly as cute as the real thing though. This was a half smile!

(on a side note I accidently shot all pictures with an ISO of 1600 therefore they have a lot of noise (graininess) but I kinda like the old fashioned look of it!)


Karen K. said...

So darned sweet. I can really see the resemblance to Olivia in the 2nd and 3rd pics. That little scrunched nose face is just like Olivia's. It's one of my favorite things in Liv's pics. I'm glad that Claire is doing it too. I can't wait to see the pics you capture! Oh I miss my babies. Thanks for the new pics. You know I love them.

Karen K. said...

By the way, putting Olivia next to Claire makes Olivia look like she has LOTS of hair. :) :) :) :)

Jill said...

She is adorable, and I LOVE that first picture with the drool taking a journey south! :o) Smile or not, she's a cutie pie!

Blevins family of three said...

very very cute!

Dawn said...

These pictures do make them look a lot alike. Very sweet scrunchy smile.

Natalie said...

Its hard to catch those precious little quirks and fun little moments... that only last a moment! Bryson is signing "more" now, but I can never get him to do it for Nic or the camera!

Lanette said...

Those pictures are awesome! She's so darling. I can't wait to see the smile!

Egghead said...

Adorable...the drool in most of them cracks me up. Both girls are so cute.