Thursday, November 19, 2009


Olivia is loving her pre-school. The kids get along pretty well. They love to play games together, and on this occasion we made popcorn for snack time. Who knew kids would just LOVE plain popcorn with just a pinch of salt? They thought it was so exciting and fun to watch it pop. Yesterday we went on a field trip to the Bean Museum at BYU. They have lots of dead stuffed animals. Lovely, ey? Our favorite part was when we got to see a LIVE turtle and snake. Okay- so not the snake, but the turtles were cute!


Lora said...

I love how you guys do this! What a fun thing for Olivia!

Karen K. said...

I agree. What a great idea to do the preschool. I think it will help them to acclimate better to preschool/kindergarten when they do go "for real." They all look like they can't get enough of the popcorn. I want some!