Thursday, June 27, 2013


 This summer we took on a project that Brett has wanted done for the last 5 years. We extended the driveway so we have a HUGE amount of cement on the side of our house now! Brett plans to put up a nice basketball hoop and play basketball every day. We also decided to make new garden boxes and surround them in concrete. The extra space of concrete by the garden boxes is for a shed. We did concrete around the garden boxes because the area they are in has a tree problem. The neighbors have aspen trees and they multiply and pop up EVERY where like crazy. Our grass was a big mess of tree stumps from cutting down tree starts every few weeks. The concrete should stop them from coming up and ruining our yard! Plus we won't have grass and weeds all over the garden boxes like we previously did! Yahoo! It will be so nice when everything is complete. We still need to buy dirt to fill the boxes, a shed, and a basketball hoop. Plus some bushes and plants for landscaping to make it look nicer. But... that will have to wait until next year. Unfortunately we aren't millionaires. These projects cost too much!

The girls have been out bike riding almost every day this summer. Claire is really good on training wheels and plans to learn to ride without towards the end of summer. We may try sooner, since she has really got it down with training wheels. Olivia is getting much more bold this year on her bike. She likes to go speedy fast, faster then even I am comfortable with. Luckily even though most kids in the neighborhood seldom wear a helmet the girls are in the habit and usually always wear them without a fuss. Which makes me happy since I am anxiety lady and pretty much fear the worst in all situations. My mother did the same.. so it's just natural for me to always be on high alert!


Dawn said...

Hmm, that concrete project looks like something Toby has dreamed of for the past 5 years as well. Maybe I should call and get a quote for him while he is gone :-) Happy dribbling Brett!

Jamie said...

So exciting. The garden boxes look great!


that concrete project is awesome! I have 2 of your emails, can you email me and let me know which one is current? I am making my blog private.