Saturday, June 22, 2013

Latest and Greatest

Well, summer is in full swing. Olivia is getting quite used to staying home every day. She is loving watching endless amounts of Netflix movies and shows. I need to figure out how to set those parental controls! Claire is loving having a playmate every day! Liv and Claire are out in the neighborhood almost every day looking for friends to swim and ride bikes with. Emma loves going outside too. She has discovered "bees" which she calls every bug/insect.She loves to pick up the rolly polly bugs and the ants, and unfortunately she has got her hands on some spiders too. Yesterday she was desperately reaching for a wasp that was having a drink on a hose. I kept pulling her away telling her no and ouch! but she kept going back trying to grab it. I have a feeling she may be stung or bitten by a few bugs/bees this summer. She doesn't understand that the only bugs her sisters are holding are rolly pollies. She is fascinated with animals and bugs. Although she is starting to grow a fear of the larger animals. She still likes them, but doesn't want to get to close or have them lick her.She is also loving the strawberries we have growing out front. She picks them every day and eats every last one. She is still learning that the red ones are better then the green ones, but she eats the green ones anyway!

The baby (30 weeks now) seems to be doing well. He (or so they say, I still won't fully believe it until they have arrived) is very active. Always kicking and moving and shaking my belly. I am working on getting some clothes ready and figuring out room arrangements... but so far, I am have not gotten too far! He has like 3 outfits now... I am thinking I will just buy lots of cheap onsies. They can live in those day and night just fine! The girls have been sleeping down stairs in the guest room. They want to move in down there, but I told them they need to wait until after the family reunion since we have a few families staying with us in July. So, maybe after that we will start the re-arranging. I want to get a simple alarm system for the windows down stairs so I can keep my sanity and still sleep at night with them so far away.

Gestational Diabetes is going quite well. I debate with myself daily if it is hard or too easy. Some times it is very difficult and I want go crazy with cravings and I get so sick of it all. Other times I am eating a treat and wondering how this is a diet! Last night we went to the movies and I wanted popcorn. I ate a lower carb dinner and waited for snack time so I could eat it. I thought I would eat as much as I wanted and not count carbs. It gets in the way of enjoying my food sometimes if i know I am going over my allotted amount. Anyway- so I ate all I wanted. I thought for sure when I tested my blood sugar later it would be high, but it wasn't, it was actually quite low, in the 70's. Guess I could have had some soda to go with it! Later I looked at # of carbs in popcorn. I could have eaten 5 cups and been within the # of  carbs allowed. I should have looked at that before I assumed it was a high-carb snack!And that is when I wonder how this is a diet at all! But I am blessed. I do not have a bad case of diabetes. I am only slightly insulin intolerant.  So i can really get away with eating anything I want as long as I eat it at the right times. I can't carb over-load, but I can still eat a treat and have my levels be within range. I have decided I will still follow the diet and eat the amount of carbs that I am supposed to, but when I want a treat I am not going to worry about it being too many carbs, because I know my body can handle it fine. That being said, it is still hard being patient and waiting to eat that treat at just the right time! And counting carbs and not having as much as I would like at meal gets really annoying too. But, it is good for me having to practice some self control with my eating habits. I needed it! Plus it makes me add more healthy foods to ALL our meals and snacks. Now I have to think outside of the box for snacks and breakfast. It is hard eating a protein  with every meal and snack.
Anyway- life is good. We are blessed. We are all doing well and are happy most of the time!


Karen K. said...

Olivia needs something to do...I need to write her a letter so she can write back. I keep meaning to do that!!!

Emma cracks me up with her nature-loving ways. I hope she doesn't get stung before she learns that bees hurt. Especially wasps and hornets. Owey! I'm not sure I could even try a green strawberry.

The baby is a boy. We'll wait and see if you collect any clothes from neighbors and friends--hopefully you'll get some from people who no longer need them. Most people don't charge too much for them or even give them up free! Even better. ;)

Where are you going to put the girls downstairs? Is Brett moving into your craft room and the girls going into the bigger room? (My room?;)

Glad you're figuring out the diabetes. Sounds like you have it under control.