Saturday, June 08, 2013

Gestational diabetes

Almost a week ago I was told I do indeed have gestational diabetes. To be honest this has been a top fear/anxiety of  all my pregnancies. I have cried over the thought of it many times. I know that sounds pathetic. I am crying over the potential loss of sugar and bread and pasta. Surprisingly though- when i actually was diagnosed I only felt really sad about it for about a day and I am okay with it now. Today I was even grateful that I am being forced into a healthier lifestyle. The last few days have been hard. I have not met with the dietician yet and have not started testing my blood sugar. So I am nervous about that. I am learning a lot about diabetes and what I can and can't eat and how to control it. I thought it was simple, but it is actually rather complex. I am hoping the dietician can teach me more of the basics and I can get a better idea of what to eat and what to avoid. For instance I didn't realize milk was a rather bad thing to drink. I knew it had sugar and carbs, but I guess it spikes blood sugar quickly so it is not good for a diabetic diet. I have so much to learn. I hope I can incorporate these changes into my daily life for good so I never have diabetes later in life. That would be so horrible to live with forever.

I have been scared for the baby and that I will damage them for life if I eat a cookie or too much fruit or some thing. I am scared that I hurt it last week when I went I went overboard with sugar. I am such a sugar-aholic. I want to eat my bowl of cereal for breakfast soooo badly. But I know I can't. Especially something really yummy like cocoa Roos or golden Graham's. I hate that I have to eat eggs and meat for breakfast. Yuck. All I want is sweets. It is hard. I know this will be hard for me, but I also know it will be worth it. The best things in life usually come from hard things. I really do already feel better physically. I am not as tired and not as moody. I guess instead of PB and J on whole wheat bread (which I justified as being healthy) and gold fish crackers for lunch, we will eat a bunch of veggies and some turkey and cheese. I am hoping cheese is ok... Now I am unsure since finding out about milk! I will figure this diet out... Sooner or later!


Alisha said...

I feel your pain. I am 100% addicted to sugar and carbs. Sooooo bad for us. I hope your anxiety is lessened as you learn more about it. You can do this!

Emily D said...

Cheese is good! There are very few carbs in cheese. I hope you can meet with the dietitian soon; she will hopefully help answer a lot of your questions!

Also, you might find that what is really bad for one diabetic and spikes their blood sugar might not spike your blood sugar as much. Especially true in gestational DM. So, just look at your blood sugar numbers and figure out what foods affect you most.

Make sure you eat enough food! We don't want you going hungry because you don't know what to eat!

Other tips include eating a protein and fats WITH your carbs helps steady blood sugars (BS). and if you find your BS to be too high, take a walk or do some exercise and it should help lower it.

There is so much to learn and to say! I wish I could be there with you to help you! If you ever have a question, text or call or email me. I'd be happy to answer! Love you and can't wait to meet this little boy!

Dawn said...

You will do just fine and you will learn a ton along the way. I too am a sugar aholic so I empathize with you. If you haven't (i am sure you have) done internet research do. There is a lot of great information that can help you get started and along the way. Little man will be perfect when he arrives. You're a good mama and will do the best for your body and his. Don't worry so much, stress can make your blood sugar go up ;-) LOVE YOU!!