Monday, June 03, 2013

Dance Recital

The girls had their dance recital this past Saturday! They both did great and were so cute. I was so worried because the day before Olivia had to learn an opener and closer dance for the recital. She had mostly no idea what she was doing. Luckily since everyone was on stage she wasn't noticed!
Claire did a tap dance and they looked so small and cute. Olivia had a huge boost of confidence and smiled and remembered her dance perfectly for the recital. The day before during rehersels she looked scared to death and I thought for sure she would burst into tears. I was so happy when at the recital she looked like she was having fun! After she said she loved it and had lots of fun! Claire seemed to enjoy herself too. They are so cute! I loved watching them grow and improve in dance.


Jennifer Lomenick said...

Beautiful pictures! Great job Sarah!

Dawn said...

Awesome pictures. I always enjoy how you can take a photo and make anything look beautiful, although considering you have super gorgeous children, I am sure that helps. Tell the girls we are proud of them and they looked beautiful. Would love to see video if you caught it in action.

Britta said...

These photos are lovely. Claire is looking more and more beautiful as she gets older!

Emily D said...

I love the B/W pics. The girls are so beautiful. I am glad they enjoyed performing! I wish I could have watched.

Alisha said...

me too. post a video if you can. Your sweet girls look so pretty all ballerina-ed up. That bottom pic is the so cute.

Jamie said...

So cute! What beautiful girls and darling pictures!

Jamie said...

You have to frame that last one!