Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A name and a Blessing

Emma was blessed in church on e month ago. Apparently My blogging is getting behind. Anyway, it was a sweet blessing. Here were some of the things mentioned in the blessing for those not able to attend:

Blessed with a divine heritage
that you will always know you are a daughter of God
Rely on your parents
To have a strong and healthy body and spirit
Be a Peacemaker
Have the ability to resolve conflicts
Make wise choices
Marry in the temple

Emma was named after my sister Emily Catherine Knerr. We named her Emma Kate which is a shortened version. It seems our little Emma will be the "shortened" version of Emily- who is 5'9'' I think ;) My sister Emily is one of the best people I know. I can not think of a better person to name my child after. She has always been the peacemaker in our family. She is a happy, fun person to be around. She is smart, and she has always been wise. Maybe she saw all my mistakes and decided to choose better! Emily is also very sweet and kind. I love her lots and can't imagine life without my sister. Not to mention she is BEAUTIFUL, I've always been jealous I won't lie ;) I hope our Emma can be like my sister Emily. She would be a fabulous person to aspire to be like.


Alisha said...

what a sweet tribute to your sister!

Karen K. said...

I wrote a long comment and somehow deleted it. I will comment again soon when I get another moment. You are very sweet and kind and beautiful, Sarah! I love you. ~Ma

Karen K. said...

Ok, I'll try again. I can't remember what I wrote though! I think I said it struck me funny that Emma was blessed to be a peacemaker and have the ability to resolve conflicts. Hmmmm...three girls and estrogen? Why would there need to be any peacemaking? hahaha... I'm sure it was a beautiful blessing and wish we could have been there.

I love what you wrote about Emily. You are a good sister and yes, if Emma is anything like her auntie she will be an amazing person. Both you and Emily make me proud. I love you both so much because each and every day you do the best you can and you always aspire to do better and be better and try a little harder when things just aren't going the way you want them to. By the way, you are beautiful too! No need to be jealous. When I was at Emily's I looked up and saw her once and also another time I saw her out of the corner of my eye and both times I felt like I was looking at YOU! I told her so. You two still look very much alike--even when you don't! ;)

Emily D said...

Sarah, that was the sweetest thing you've ever said to me! I love you so much and I have always looked up to you. You are a wonderful big sister and you have been a good example to me over the years. You have taught me many things. I am so thankful that we are so close. and It's funny cuz I've always been jealous of your looks! You are so gorgeous! I love you!