Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Arizona

We drove the 12 hours to Arizona this year with 3 small children. We drove through the night, so the trip went pretty well. The girls pretty much slept the whole way. Poor Emma doesn't like her car seat and had a harder time sleeping in it, but she still did pretty well. We went down to see Bretts grandparents who are declining in their health. We wanted to make sure Brett saw them before they passed. We stayed at Bretts sister Alisha's house. They are wonderful hosts. It is always a blast being with them. The girls got to be with their cousins and it was a house full of crazy fun screaming little girls! They love each other! Every time I brought up leaving soon Olivia would cry and tell me she didn't want to go.We also got to meet my brothers new baby Alegra. She was SO tall and thin! She was so cute and smiley. It was a nice trip, and the weather was beautiful. When we got home our house was about 40 degrees... inside! We didn't have the heater running. It was no fun after being in beautiful 75 degree weather for 4 days!


Dave & Melissa said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Yes, long drives with small children are difficult. You were smart to drive at night... we've never attempted that one.... Hmm, maybe we'll give that a try next summer. Happy holidays!

Sblogger said...

Glad you had fun Sarah!