Monday, October 18, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend
-I ran my first 5K (more on that later)
-Olivia got pink eye
-Claire drew all over the couches with a red permanent marker. We luckily got to it right away and for the most part got it all out. It was SO scary though! And when I say ALL over I mean she drew a LOT
-I thought I was going to die of a heart attack half the week end after showing all the signs of a heart attack. I had pains in my arm and chest pains and had no idea why. After much investigation we think it is just anxiety. I'm still going to the Dr to get it checked out though.

I'd say the last few days were just FULL of extra stress. It is just life though. We are off to Wal-Mart to get a prescription for the pink eye and ingredients for freezer dinners that I am putting together for Activity Days on Tuesday. Oh and Claire is standing here next to me diaper-less with poop hanging from her hands and bum. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Gotta go.


Karen K. said...

I'm probably not supposed to be laughing after reading this, but I am. Sorry. ;)

There's nothing funny about the things you're experiencing, you just tell it well. I remember that red marker. It's probably the same one Olivia wrote all over CLAIRE with! Claire is probably more washable than your couches though.

Britta said...

I'm laughing out loud. Really. It was the "poop hanging from her hands and bum" that did it. Well, at least the weekend started with a positive accomplishment! Good Luck with the pink eye and the couch fiasco.

Karen K. said...

I'm laughing again. And Britta said it perfectly "it was the poop..." hahahahahahaha... we wouldn't think it was so funny if it were us though. ;)

Blevins family of three said...

Oh sarah, it was one of those weekends! haha i hope everything slows down for you!!

Lora said...

ha ha sorry sarah! It sounds like you need a little break!

Congrats on your run I can't wait to hear all about it!

Egghead said...

Oh that made my day...what a great laugh. Sorry Sarah but it so brings me back to the toddler days. Wait that hasn't been that long ago with grandkids though. Just saying that this too shall pass and then you get to help out again with grandkids. Life. Fun memories though.

Natalie said...

Sounds like a crazy week! I hope you are feeling better. Oh, the joys of motherhood... and running!

Kristen P. said...

Wow! I can't believe you finshed typing. Well, um...let me know about the pink eye. We don't want that! Neither of my children has had it but I got in college. Not fun. This too will pass. Keep your chin up.

Jill said...

hahahahaha!!! Oh Sarah, this made me so happy! Not for your couch/anxiety/child's poop, but just because I'm glad it's not me. This time. ;o) Hope the rest of your week gets SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!

You crack me up!


oh my gosh- loved this post- poop on her hand and bum, red marker all over the couch- I WOUDL DIE about the couch, love it all. I'm so glad you got it all out though! Heart attack- that is weird. What did you figure out? do you think it's just anxiety?