Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pre-School Graduation

Olivia graduated from Pre-School! Okay- just for this year. She will go next year too. This year we had 4 mothers who taught pre-school once a week. We had our turn every month. we also went on field-trips together. I think next year Liv will go to a more formal pre-school.

Here is the story for the last 2 pictures. For Graduation we went to the park. The park has a stream going through it (see picture above). Liv and her friend Anna were sitting by the stream for awhile chatting. Claire decided to head aver to see what they were up to. I was just about to get up to get her away (it is kind of steep and you could easily fall in) when Claire fell in. She was soaked from head to toe. The poor girl. I sprinted over hoping the current wasn't pulling her under. She was fine, just really cold. She stripped down and we headed home. Liv held her hand in the car to make her happy ;) They are always holding hands in the car and they both love it. Claire giggles every time.


Jill said...

Such cute little girls!!!!! Poor Claire! But at least she's got her big sister for comfort :) Byron and Ayden hold hands in the backseat all of the time, too. Usually it's fine, but every now and then the "holding" becomes "squeezing" or "pulling really hard" until someone screams. But lately it's "nice to meet you" as they pretend to shake hands in the back of the car. Ok, my kids are such nerds.

Karen K. said...

That creek looks pretty high compared to when we have been there. Looks cold too! I'm glad they're holding hands. I can see where, however, they might do what Jill's boys do. heh heh... I love Livie's picture. Anna looks a little wary in the group picture. ;) They're all cute!

Kristen P. said...

Poor Claire! I know how she feels. A "friend" pushed me into Lake Tahoe once. Brrr...Holding hands in our backseat is not allowed. It always ends in tears because of the "pulling really hard".

Dawn said...

Congratulations Olivia, it's a huge accomplishment to graduate preschool for the first time around! As I am sitting here it gives me chills thinking of poor Claire falling in the water. BRRR! Glad they are both giggling in the end!!

Amanda D said...

That is so sweet that they like to hold hands and Olivia wanted to comfort Clair!