Saturday, January 09, 2010

Oh Olivia!

My Livie is so full of life.
She is the ultimate girly girl. She puts on her bright red lipstick- every day 4 times a day.
She must wear dresses, and throws fits when I make her wear pants.
She is sensitive.
She will love and snuggle one minute and push and hit and the next.
She loves to dance. She's been dancing since she could move!
She is becoming a little bossy- must be the 'Princess' in her.
She is very expressive- both with her facial expressions and her personality.
She loves to eat. We sometimes call her a camel because she'll eat tons one day and the next not want anything.
She can be bribed to do pretty much anything if she can have a treat.
She is stubborn. Change is NOT something she enjoys. Potty training, new beds, sleep training, new sisters, are all things that were some what H-E-... okay, I won't go there. but they were very difficult for Liv, and I.
She makes me SO happy.
She also makes me SOO mad!
She is mischivious- although at 3 who isn't!?
She has quite the imagination.
She gives the best hugs and kisses you may ever get.
All in all, I LOVE this girl!!


Karen K. said...

I love the red lipstick! And the wink, too! IS she winking on purpose? I think everything you wrote about her fits perfectly. And yes, she gives the best hugs and kisses EVER! Plus she says very sweet things like... "Gwamma, you're my BEST friend" (at least in that moment.) I love that girl too!!!!!!!!

Britta said...

This was a sweet post. I love to hear about my nieces and nephews who live far away. I love the photo, too, and the red lipstick. What a little lady you have! Can't wait to live closer.

lindsaymarchant said...

She is a cutie! I can see the princess in her in the pictures you post. I love the lipstick thing. That is awesome. That is the best picture. Where you like Livie as a child?? For some reason some of the things you posted sounded like you as a child. Not that I knew you then...but if I had to guess I would say you were like Livie.

Dawn said...

What a sweetheart! Your a brave mom to let her use lipstick! I was able to keep that away from Lex until she turned 7 :-) Love this post!

Lora said...

As I read this i just laughed. I remembered a conversation with you at work. You were in the back sitting on the counter and I asked you what you were most excited about in having a new baby. You said you couldn't wait to see what she looked like and even more than that you couldn't wait to see her personality. I think it's so funny that she has such a strong little personality, just what you wanted! =)

ps- I miss talks!

Egghead said...

That is the cutest picture. Yep they can certainly be a challenge but so worth it all in the end.