Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Dearest Amy

So- My good friend Amy has cancer... She has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was in her spleen, and now she is going through chemo to kill any remaining cancer. Amy has been SO positive and really doing quite well with the whole 'cancer' thing. I think the chemo is really starting to get to her now though. She feels REALLY sick now, and is having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I can only imagine. If you've ever had severe nausea and just plain sick- just double it and try to think of it not going away until December. YIKES! I am not sure what I can do for her, except ask for more prayers in her behalf. She needs them.
Amy- I love you SO much, I think about you LOTS. You will get through this.

This is Amy and her bald head.. She is still so beautiful!

Here is her HUGE cancerous spleen. I believe a spleen is supposed to be like the size of your fist.


Karen K. said...

It is so discouraging to feel awful. I think the one bright spot is that she has a light at the end of the tunnel. The chemo WILL end. It seems so far away, yet it's not. Your Dad and I will continue to keep her in our prayers and comment on her blog posts and well, whatever we can to help! I wish there was something I could actually DO though! The size of that spleen is amazing--especially in Amy's tiny little frame. We love you Amy!!!

Alisha said...

holy cow. that spleen is huge!
she is beautiful! prayers and thoughts going her way.

jnnut said...

I hopped over to her blog one day and started following her when she started talking about her cancer. I have been thinking of her, praying for her and hoping for the best. She's a real trooper. Will continue to pray for her and send positive thoughts of courage and strength to her.

Scott said...

last night I went to Amy's blog and read everything from the beginning of her discovery to her most recent post. She is a very strong woman, and she is full of faith. I loved reading her blog, and actually think she could write a memoir which would be quite compelling. I do wish the best for her and her family through this tough time. Thanks for sharing, Sarah.

Dawn said...

What an amazing girl! I went to her website and read through her posts. I will be thinking of her!