Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Did a photo-shoot with our old neighbors/friends! It was so fun! Who's next!?


Jennifer Lomenick said...

Sign me up! I even have a new baby to take pictures of. Seriously, if you are willing I am willing!

Natalie said...

So awesome Sarah! There are so many good ones to choose from! How will I ever decide! I love, LOVE, LOVE them! Thanks a million, gajillion! Love you!

Karen K. said...

I love them! I thought I'd gone to Natalie's blog for a minute there. Really, I am very impressed. You just keep getting better and better.

Dawn said...

Me! Maybe you can get cute pics of my kids :0) I love the photo's. Excellent job!

jnnut said...

Omg soo good! Keep up the good work! Wish you were closer to us so you can use Kurt & Bryce as your models! Oh well..maybe some day! Soo soo cute. You really did a great job!

Lora said...

Way to go those are fantastic! Are you shooting all on manual these days?

PS can we PLEASE do a hair switch soon? Perhaps we can do a hair/photo switch!

Emily D said...

we're next! Francsico says first pregnancy pictures, then new born, then 1st month, 2nd month, in fact, do you just want to live over here and just document every day for us? That'd be great! Thanks!
haha but really, the pictures are awesome-- some I could imagine in magazines or calenders! Good job!

Kelli said...

Great pictures! I really like the one of the kids in the bucket, adorable!

be you blithe and bonny said...

I have 3 crazy boys! Now that'd be a huge challenge in getting them so all cooperate for at least one decent pic = )

Hannah & Bryson are adorable in these pics. You did a great, great job.