Monday, August 03, 2009

Goose Egg

We were at an out-door concert listening to 'Voice Male'... enjoying ourselves. Then, I asked Brett to get the blanket from the car so Claire could try to sleep.

Well- Olivia went for a joy-ride! Daddy ran with her in the stroller, and BAM hit a bump. Well- Olivia flew out and ended up with this...

The picture does it NO justice. I couldn't get a good picture in the bad lighting- and Liv wouldn't let me turn on more lights. It was HUGE! It stuck out like an inch.I have never sceen such a bulging bump like that in my whole life. Liv was pretty brave. She didn't even cry much. By the next morning it was pretty much gone. Phew ;) I hate it when my babies get hurt. It is SO sad!


nettie said...

oh my goodness! the picture does make it look huge, so i can only imagine what it looked like in person. was she upset, or act like no big deal??

Sarah Peterson said...

She screamed bloody murder for the first 5 minutes, but then it wasn't too big of a deal. ;)

Lanette said...

Yowch! That looks painful. You have a brave little girl! I'm glad she's healing fast!

Valerie said...

Oh,ouch! Poor Olivia! I'm so sorry.

Scott said...

WOWEE! That is awesome! I think I have a permanent goose egg on my left forehead from all the bumps I had as a kid. Good thing kids are so resilient.


Holy moly that is huge! I can only imagine how big it was in person. Hope it heals completely and fast!

Dawn said...

WOW, that's a good one! Glad she is better now! Hopefully Brett doesn't feel too bad. We all dump our kids out of strollers or drop them eventually :0)

Natalie said...

ewww... that is a doosie! Hannah is constantly having scraped knees and big bumps this summer! So glad they bounce back so fast.

jnnut said...

Ouch! I have seen my share of bumps, cuts & bruises in my household & my boys were never rambunctious. Their owies came from their father. They were usually from rough housing, falling off their dad's back or falling out of ths stroller (like Liv did)Just remember...where there's a bruise, rub it. Not to hard that it hurts, but enough to apply some pressure to keep the blood from clotitng. It sounds painful to do, but if you rub it immediately, it will prevent the bruise from turning black & blue and will literally be gone by the next day.
she's a trooper!