Thursday, August 27, 2009


We have to wash the car IN our front yard. Yup- that is right, there are no water spouts near our driveway and since we don't have 2 hoses to link together- we have to wash in our yard! The neighbors probably wonder what is going on!


Karen K. said...

Sheesh! WHO designed your home? That's so crazy.

Dawn said...

Uh that's not normal? No one would wonder if you lived in my neck of the woods :0)

Karen K. said...

Dawn, YOUR neck of the woods is an ENTIRELY different story... heh heh. I'd live there! (I don't wash my car much anyway...)

Dawn said...

Yep, me neither, twice a year MAYBE! Speaking of I think it's time. However I need Livie to come wash it. I think she does a better job then I do.

Karen K. said...

I dunno. Looks like something else has grabbed her attention. ;)

Kelli said...

That stinks! But at least you have a good little helper :)

Karen K. said...

Will Livie come and wash our car???

Karen K. said...

That car must be pretty darned clean by now...

Brandi said...

Livie looks like she just loves what she is doing!

lindsaymarchant said...

Who cares?? Olivia looks like she enjoys washing the car in the yard! Thats all that matters! Hey...could you invite my other email to visit your blog?? I have to keep switching back and forth cause I gave other people the other one for their private blogs.

be you blithe and bonny said...

Sarah, you deserve lots of accolades for washing on your lawn, that's actually very great for water conservation! Haven't you seen those cheesy commercials about how "we all live down stream"? = )