Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Olivia peed and pooped on the floor 2x as much as she did in her potty. What is the deal!? I KNOW she can do it. She has many days she has 0 accidents. Then days like today, 6 times on the floor. It's so annoying. I am starting to think punishment for going on the floor may work. I have heard you should always be positive even with accidents.. I have, but maybe she needs a negative consequense to make her STOP going on the floor. She eats enough treats and gets enough stickers for an army. What do you think!?


jnnut said...

I would remove stickers for the accidents she has (if they're removable)and then put them back on for doing a good job. Just be careful that you don't punish too hard b/c you don't want her to regress. She could be having accidents b/c your parents left and she misses them and feels like she's getting less attention since they left. In other words, she is having accidents to get your attention...

Jill said...

Positive didn't work for Byron--he took advantage of it. He was soooo stubborn about potty training, especially pooping!!! It was horrible and I hated every minute of it! He would go pee in the toilet, but he would literally do whatever he could to hide somewhere and take a dump in his underwear. The only thing I could think of was making him run around w/o underwear when he was awake, because he wouldn't poop on the floor (he would go get a diaper or underwear and beg me to put them on him so he could poop in them, but just sit on the toilet and hold it forever!!!) until he couldn't stand it anymore. Hopefully you get it worked out soon!!!! This is definitely something I'm not looking forward to starting again soon with Ayden!

Karen K. said...

Are you making her help clean it up? That's something that needs to happen (although at her age that is probably more 'fun' than a chore). I think Jennifer(?) might be right--she is seeking attention although it probably isn't a majorly conscious decision. Then again, maybe it is. Since she knows not to do it you might consider a 'time out' or time in the 'naughty corner' just to remind her that what she did isn't ok. I guess it depends on whether or not she seems to have any remorse. If she's frustrated by it then don't discipline her. If she doesn't give a rip I think she needs some discliplined reinforcement! Clean her up, have her sit down, think about it, tell her you're going to expect an apology and go from there. Just be consistent and don't 'punish' cuz negative attention is just that: attention. Whatever you choose to do be sure to explain it to her beforehand... "the next time you choose to poop or pee on the floor this is what's going to happen..." Good luck!!! Keep us posted. I know she's VERY capable and I know she responds to being put in a time out and I know you're consistent at how you do it.

Karen K. said...

I just noticed your 'what's for dinner:" Oniony Ground Beef with Egg Noodles Dish? Is that the one I made? I believe it was 'Salisbury Steak(?)' :) :) :)

Brandi said...

I think there is nothing wrong with punishing for this behavior if you know she can do it. Things that work best with my children...sometimes is just sitting down and talking with them about why they are doing it. A lot of times they will know and you can help them fix it.

Conforti Family said...

Dont worry, Kadee still has her accidents ALL the time! She doesnt want to stop playing to go potty, its really annoying!

Dawn said...

I am so sorry! Good luck! Potty training isn't easy that's for sure.


yowsa, sounds miserable. wish I had great advice! I made the necklace and bracelet, they are so PRETTY! I'm going to blog them once i finsih the earings. That was such a great idea sarah and I love them! the color is perfect. all your pictures are so cute, I love teh very top one in teh first post.