Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well-all of you all are so nice and tell me my pictures are so great. I love it, I really do. The thing is, I don't really think I am that great. I know my pictures are better then a snap and shoot- and I am naturally kinda creative... but I am no where near where I want to be. If you ask me, I think about 1/2 the blogs I read have just as great photos. Brandi- this is why I am not a "professional" or I don't charge people to trake pics etc. I don't think they are good enough to actually charge for. Here is the thing- some day when I can find someone to take a class from or some where, I plan to get good. I want to learn photo-shop and all about picture taking. So- these are my thoughts. Thanks for your lovely comments- I like to pretend to be great. Some day I WILL be really great;) I can't wait. Oh- and p.s. I do LOVE to take pics so if you ever want to have a fun play date with me I think photo shoots are tons of fun. I would love to pracice taking picures of other kids too! Or old people too... anyway- just tell me if you ever want to! Pracice does make perfect! If you want to see some REALLY great photos you should look at my links- there is a list of my favorite photographers! They are AMAZING!


Karen K. said...

I love your pics and your creativity and I know that someday soon you will be able to do what you want to do with your photography. I love looking at the photos on your photo links. Sheye Rosemeyer always inspires me. She writes beautifully in addition to taking wonderful photos. She tells her life story so well--ah, to be so eloquent! And I love "Art Blog" with Laureen Carruthers photos. All the summer pics of kids jumping off docks and such just make me want to be there. Those are GREAT pics. I love them! All the photographers have their own style and like you I love them. They're different and not the same ol' same ol'. Anyway, take lots of photo shoots with my grandgirls, ok?

Brandi said...

you guys live in Utah right? So, if we ever flew over for a visit, you could take some natural pictures of our family for our scrapbooks. Or if you are ever in Oregon, let me know. You can practice on us all you want.

Natalie said...

I was just thinking of calling you about our "photo shoot" this morning! I'm glad you wrote that you don't mind, because I was feeling a little bit guilty for asking. You are wonderful!

Sarah Peterson said...

Oh Natalie- silly girl. I LOVE taking pictures, and I feel dumb asking people if I can take pictures of them. It feels like I am saying "I'm so great, let ME do it!" So- really, it is fantastic that you asked me. I love it!

jnnut said...

You are a wonderful photographer and definitely sooo creative. It's so difficult to find good people like you who are willing to take pictures w/out charging an arm and a leg. The work you've done have been absolutely marvelous. They have meaning behind them and you can feel the message you putting out when you post your pictures. Keep up the good work. Female photographers are the best (not to say all male ones are good) b/c there's emotions and lots of mental feelings put forth in the pictures they take. You definitely have that gift!