Tuesday, June 09, 2009

What a BIG girl!

Olivia loves to be like mommy. She puts on make-up every day- she even puts on the head-band to keep the hair out of her eyes (just like me!) Oh- and that mascara wand it actually free of any make-up- it is hers to pretend.

Olivia is back to it... She is potty training like a pro this time around. At first it was rough, but she has really done well the past 3 days. Only a few accidents! YAY Livie!! I thought I was destined to a 5 year old still in diapers for awhile there. She is still wearing pull-ups to bed and when we go out, but I'm sure as she gets used to 'holding it,' we can loose the pull-ups. Maybe another few months?


Alisha said...

yay!! way to go livies. btw, is going number 2 in that pic? lol

Karen K. said...

Really, what is that expression in the second pic? Looks like some real effort going on there. ;) I like the fact that she has "reading material" too. Regarding the first pic: I love that she uses the headband just like you. SOMEday she WILL have enough hair to push it back. She might as well practice now. I like how you give her her own mascara wand too. You're a fun mom!

Natalie said...

Fun pictures. hannah loves to have makeup too... too young! They love to me like their moms! Good luck with the potty training. I know even when it is successful... its stressful!

Valerie said...

Cute pictures! I'm so proud of Livie! I'm glad you waited and tried again. It's so much easier when they're ready.

Egghead said...

Sarah I laughed when I saw your comment that she loves to be like mommy because my eye was drawn to the potty photo. Ha ha! Congrats on the training. Much easier after she masters it. What a cutie!

Brandi said...

I wouldn't expect it to take that long! My boys were out of pullups just a couple of weeks after being potty trained. Its all a matter of getting mommy trained to it. With Zachy, I wake him up in the middle of the night when I have to feed Haylee and take him potty. He goes right back to sleep and he doesn't wake up wet! Hope this info helps. Just remember what our parents told us before we left the house. Anyone have to use the bathroom? LOL

Karen K. said...

Some kids aren’t as physically or developmentally ready to receive and then interpret the signals that say "It's time to go to the bathroom." Even if they do receive the signal, their muscles may not be able to "hold it" long enough to get to a potty in time. Forcing potty training, in my opinion, is just ‘mommy training’ and what’s the point of that? It is recommended that night time training not even be attempted until daytime training is mastered. You are doing it perfectly and it will take as long as it takes! “GO” Livie! ;) ;)

Karen K. said...

"Auntie" Ronda is in total agreement. You GO Girl!

Brandi said...

I didn't know about the whole not trying night time training until day time training is complete. I just tried it and it works so I went with it. Like your mom said it'll take her as long as it takes.