Monday, June 01, 2009

"My Hair is Growing Up!"

Well- Livie is almost 3, and still doesn't have much hair. We are okay with it- it will come some day. It is mostly ironic since I am a hairdresser- yet my little girls have no hair to play with or cut! Olivia loves her hair. Here are some things about Livie and her hair that are funny...
-Olivia will ask me "Mommy, can I go outside so I can feel the wind in my hair?"
-Olivia was playing with a little hispanic girl a few weeks ago- she had hair down to her bum (same age as Olivia) Anyway- Olivia kept grabbing her hair and playing with it saying how pretty it was. The little girl was not happy about it! We kept having to tell Liv to stop touching her hair! hahaha
-Olivia likes to push her hair back (as if it were in her eyes). It is funny- I think she is just copying mannerisms.


Natalie said...

It is growing! Yay! Can't wait to see you guys!

Karen K. said...

Well I'll take her out in the wind so her hair can blow. :) She should go back to Spanish Fork first thing every morning! That's some heavy duty wind. I think it's cute how she likes to push her hair back. It definitely IS growing--in some areas better than others. ;) I'm willing to bet that when she does get all her hair that there will be a lot OF it! I hope so, since she seems to love hair so much. Thanks for the pics.

Karen K. said...

What if we try the concept of "The Secret" and ENVISION Olivia's hair growing, getting thicker and longer... FAST! heh heh heh


That's funny what your mom said about the secret. I hope this blog wasn't inspired by my naughty picture I deticated to you, now I feel bad. That is funny how her hair is growing UP though. That is really funny about the mexican girl her same age. When my mom took us out when we were babies, people asked her if we were mexican babies assuming she married a mexican. the other blog is really cute- I love the bum pic. I love babies bums.