Thursday, January 01, 2009

Pictures Pictures!

Claire- just an hour or so old

First look

Mommy and Claire

Daddy and Claire

She has HAIR!!
The following pictures were taken by Tracey-
she should get full credit for the cute pics! Thanks Trace!

Nose kisses

Big Sis

Well- Claire Elizabeth Peterson is finally here and we couldn't be happier! She is so peaceful and such a cutie! Olivia has done really well with her so far, although has been a little wild and crabby with all the chaos and change going on. She has a new sister, mom in the hospital for 2 days, Francisco the baby sitter for a morning, and now Gramma from Oregon. She has LOVED it all, but it has made her a little crazy at the end of the day. Too much for a little 2 year old!
Anyway- labor and delivery went GREAT! Things went VERY differently this time around. The big contractions started around 4:20 am- and we were in the hospital by 6:30 am. I got put on the epidural pretty fast to slow things down, but she was still born just a few hours later at 11:04 am. This time the epidural wasn't as strong- I could feel quite a bit- although it wasn't painful until the pushing. Luckily for me I only pushed for a few minutes and pop she was out!! With a little episiotomy I had no other tears and healing is a dream come true compared to last time! I feel SOOOOO much better this time around! It is AWESOME! I feel so so blessed. Well- I gotta go feed little Claire- she is a big eater and feeding is going pretty well too! We are happy and healthy, and thankful for all we have... a beautiful family!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sarah, Brett and Olivia on that beautiful new addition. Little Claire is beautiful and I love all the pictures. That one of Olivia with Claire is adorable. I am glad to hear that you feel so much better this time around. Just beautiful!

Dave & Melissa said...

You are a wonderful photographer! Your girls are so precious. Congratulations again, we're so happy for you. My goodness, our baby Sarah is only 3 months old, but she's changed soooo much already! It just seems like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital after having her. I hope Olivia will adjust OK to having a sister. Give Claire a kiss from us.

Kelli said...

Congratulations Sarah, Brett and Olivia!! Claire is adorable, and I am so happy to hear she is healthy and peaceful! I am glad everything went smoothly for you as well, and I'm very excited for your family!

Brandi Clark said...

Wow, what a beautiful baby. I'm so glad to hear that labor and delivery went so well. I didn't know you had a hard time with your first one. I wish I didn't have c-sections and could be out of the hospital the next day, but alas babies get here the way they are supposed to I guess. Love ya

Asay's said...

Congratulations she is a doll. I'm glad it all went well.

Chad and Jessica said...

Wow! How amazing! Sarah, you don't look like you just had a baby!!! You look so great! You're right, Claire is perfect. She is so adorable. You have some amazing pics there. I love the eskimo kiss one! Congrats!

Scott said...

Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family. We are so happy for you all.


Congratulations! Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!! And you look great for just having a baby. That's it, next time I'm going to the hospital with my hair and make-up done. :)

Natalie said...

Yay! I'm so glad things went so much better! With Hannah they kept saying, "She's paving the way for the second one." I really did NOT want to hear that... but it was very true!

She really is so beautiful. I love all the pictures. Give Olivia an extra squeeze from us too. Love you guys!

Britta said...

What great pictures! I wish I could be there in person! Waiting until next july seems like SO far away.

Alisha said...

way to go! she is absolutly perfect. you all look great and the pictures are priceless.
love you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sarah, Brett and Olivia! She's beautiful!

Camille Powell said...

Sarah, I'm so excited for you. She is absolutely beautiful. You are such a wonderful mommy, this little girl is lucky. I can't believe how big Olivia is. I can tell she's going to be a great big sister!

Dawn said...

I am so glad everything went well and that you were blessed with such a healthy, beautiful little girl with hair. She is so sweet. You are going to love having two. It looks like Olivia LOVES her baby sister. Congratulations again.

Aika said...

Yeah! Congratulations Sarah and Brett! She is so beautiful and I LOVE the name Claire. So cute, it fits her very well. Take care and get plenty of rest. She's a cutie!

nettie said...

I can definitely see some similarities between claire and olivia...what a sweet little peanut. Hope you are feeling well and getting rest while your mom is there.

Cecilia said...

Congrats! I'm glad everything went well for you Sarah. Enjoy your beautiful baby Claire!
Love the pictures!


I am so happy for you! Yowsa an episiotomy?!!!! ouchy. Sarah you are so brave, adn Sarah Peterson, did you liek do your makeup or something, because you look gorgeous in those pictures, please don't tell me you just look like that naturally, You looked gorgeous,a nd I love your hair! it's blonde, I remember that from pictures but none of them were close up. You are so beautiful, I'm so glad everything went well. claire is so beautiful. And now you're going to have to change your title "Olivia's life"- I love you-


I am so happy for you! Yowsa an episiotomy?!!!! ouchy. Sarah you are so brave, adn Sarah Peterson, did you liek do your makeup or something, because you look gorgeous in those pictures, please don't tell me you just look like that naturally, You looked gorgeous,a nd I love your hair! it's blonde, I remember that from pictures but none of them were close up. You are so beautiful, I'm so glad everything went well. claire is so beautiful. And now you're going to have to change your title "Olivia's life"- I love you-

Hayley said...

congrats! she is beautiful. makes me a little baby hungry. uh oh!

be you blithe and bonny said...

Have I sent my congrats yet? Claire is such a beautiful baby - love all the pics. Your hair looks amazing, too!

Francisco J. Darquea said...

Those pictures are so cute... Maybe when Emma delivers you can be there taking all the pictures LOL!...
You guys are great!