Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today while watching the Presidential inauguration Olivia looked at me- looked back at President Obama and said "God?" I said "No Olivia, that is Barack Obama" 1 minute later she says "God?" "No, Obama" "Ooh, Obama?" She must have gotten the idea that he was God from watching Evan Almighty the other night. Then she saw everyone cheering for him and thought it must be God!
Last night while we were at WalMart together Olivia stopped in the middle of the aisle. I stopped and Olivia looked at me and said "I'm done." hahaha, I thought it was funny. She says the most random things. She cracks us up all the time!
An update on 'turtle poop'- When I ask Olivia if she has pooped in her diaper she now replies "No, just turtles" If I inquire about what the turtles have been doing, she tells me the turtles have pooped in her diaper. Oh brother! Where does she come up with these tales?


Kelli said...

Haha, she is such a goofy girl! I love that turtles poop in her diaper, but she doesn't! She's very clever for sure. :)

Karen K. said...

She doesn't have to potty train if it's the turtle's fault!

I loved the story about God. If she got that idea from watching Evan Almighty it shows just how much she actually takes into that little 2-year-old mind. Watch what you watch. ;)

And, I've often wanted to just stop in the middle of my shopping list and announce "I'm done" too. I love this picture of her.

Kristen P. said...

That's funny! Turtles. What a silly girl.