Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Claire is 1 month old

I know I have only been posting little 'photo-shoot' type pictures lately... I'm sorry. I'm really not trying to show off how cute my girls are. It is just that I get bored stuck at home and I don't have much else that is exciting to me then to take pictures! Claire is already a month old (4 weeks)! Can you believe it!? Here are her 2 week stats I never posted...

Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz. (31%)
Height: 21 inches (76%)
Head: 14 inches (40%)
p.s. notice the top of our blog... Brett made a little change. hahaha


Karen K. said...

Don't be sorry! The pictures are beautiful. I am loving these. I particularly like the full-length one where if you look closely you can see that Claire has little sock-lines above her feet. The first one reminds me of Olivia's video where you stroked her cheek. My goodness they look a lot alike! Oh, and I love what Brett did. Very funny. :)

Sarah Peterson said...

you weren't supposed to notice the sock lines!! rats!

Natalie said...

When are you going to take pictures of my kids?! Oh my goodness....Love them!

Are you up for visitor and a playmate for Livvie yet?!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! These pictures are awesome!! What a lucky mom!!

Karen K. said...

Oops. Sorry I noticed and double sorry that I made it obvious by commenting on it! ;) Those sock lines ARE really cute though. It adds some character...

Brandi Clark said...

Hehe, I am in the same position. I stay at home with the boys and I get bored sometimes. I do online school which seems to help quell the boredom. LOL

Jennifer Lomenick said...

She is a cutie! Blogging is about bragging so enjoy!

Cecilia said...

Love the pictures....Keep them coming!!!!

Nice new

Carina & Dan said...

I love the first picture with her cute little smirk. just precious!

Dave & Melissa said...

Please don't apologize! I LOVE your photos. You're very talented. I wish I could take such beautiful photographs. Keep them coming! Claire is so beautiful. She's changed so much already!


Don't be sorry, I love the pictures, that's 90% of the reasoning behind blogging! Claire is so beautiful my goodness, and it looks like she is going to have big lips like brett. She is so beautiful.

Egghead said...

One month already? Wow time flies. Love the new header and both Olivia and "Dave" are adorable.

Karen K. said...

So... I'm going to have to be bit more observant. Does Brett have big lips? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL