Thursday, January 15, 2009

Claires Blessing and Grandparents

Grandparents with their 2 Granddaughters

We had a good visit from my parents the last 2 weeks. We are going to miss having them here... all the home made meals, play time, and help with cleaning. Liv just loved having them here to play with all the time. Yesterday was my first day without help. It was a little chaotic, but we survived. Today is easier so far! Hopefully it's not too hard.. Ikes!

Eldredge girls playing with Liv

Claire in her blessing gown (it's the same one Olivia wore)

Claire was blessed last Sunday at home. Since she was only 2 wks old we thought we would just do a blessing at home so she wouldn't catch a sickness from church. We had family and friends over and had a dinner. We had a power-outage- so everyone sat in the dark next to the fire place and talked. It lasted about an hour. We had fun with every one.


Chad and Jessica said...

Awwww, what great pics! Everyone looks great. That's so wonderful that your family got to visit for so long....yay! That's cool to have the blessing at your house....I never thought about that. Your mom is so pretty, and her hair is fab! Hey, did that help Brett in his marrying decision? Chad said that he would look at girls' moms to get an idea of how they would look when they were older. Luckily, my mom is pretty darn cute, otherwise he would have

Natalie said...

Love the b&w picture of your mom with the girls. Great idea to do it at home and of course while your parents were here. We are doing Brysons this coming fast sunday.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! Glad to see Karen got her time to smooch on the baby for a little bit! Hope all is going well. Congrats again!

Alisha said...

what a funny thing to happen with the power. good memory though for claires blessing. she looks so sweet.

Britta said...

Karen, you look amazing in these pictures! (I know you'll be reading these comments.)

Oh, I miss you guys. I wish I could sit around your (new!) fireplace and play with your two babies! I'm glad a good time was had by all.

Cecilia said...

How nice that you had your parents to help you for two weeks. I bet Olivia loved having the grandparents around!

Claire looks so cute in her blessing gown!


What wonderful pictures! I especially like the first one and the one with Claire in her blessing gown (was that the last one?)! I agree with Britta, Karen you look great!
I'm glad your parents were able to come visit for so long. Good times. :)

Dawn said...

Beautiful pictures! Glad your mom and dad got to be there for 2 whole weeks after Claire was born. Your girls so sweet. You are going to have so much fun!

nettie said...

I can't believe you already blessed Claire, we were hoping to come over for the blessing (we can do that now!!!). Oh well, I guess we can come up with another reason to make the trip.

nettie said...

Oh sarah, don't feel bad...i really didn't tell you that to make you feel bad. we will come and visit sometime...soon (hopefully).