Sunday, January 04, 2009

Claire's 1st photo shoot

Yes, you may be seeing so many pictures of little baby Claire it may make you crazy! I have just been dying waiting to take pictures of a little baby again.. Next photo-shoot will be with big and little sis! We'll see how that goes...;)


Karen K. said...

She is such an angel! I never grow tired of holding and cuddling her. You did a beautiful job with the photos--especially since I watched you do it and it didn't look like that when you were shooting the pics! It will be interesting to catch Livie at a good point to get the sister photo shoot. It'll be interesting trying to get them awake or compliant at the SAME TIME!

Jill said...

They're beautiful! I LOOOVE that first one! Her precious little hand! Oh man I want my baby to be tiny again...

jnnut said...

oooh she is just so precious like her big sister. Claire looks verymuch like you. Great photo taking! Keep posting pictures!

THE SHAWS said...

Cute pictures! You're really good at probably helps to have such an adorable subject to photograph! Love it!!

Dawn said...

Keep on posting, I love it. She is so tiny! Fabulous pictures as always, she is such a beautiful girl. I think she looks a lot like you.

Cecilia said...

She's PRECIOUS! I love little baby pictures!!! You did an awesome job!

Lora said...

Great job Sarah! She is darling and your pictures capture it perfectly!

April said...

Congrats Sarah! She is beautiful! I love all of those pictures! I am so happy for you guys!