Wednesday, September 03, 2008

For Natalie...

Natalie tagged me today to do these 6 random facts about me. now, I have previously been tagged and signed up to do other blog-like things on her blog page and I have NEVER done them!!! I feel real bad about it. So, since Olivia just went to bed and Brett is at basketball, I might as well do this one NOW! Are you impressed Natalie!? Well, you should be!! These are VERY random since I have not thought them out. It's just what came to my head as I typed...

1. I get scared... really really easily. There has been a man lurking in our basement for the whole 3 years we've been here (or so my imagination likes to think...)
2. I hate being tickled. It makes me sick.
3. I wish all our family could live close by. It really would be nice.
4. I don't get dressed or showered pretty much every Monday,Wednesday, and Friday... unless we have to go somewhere that evening.
5.I liked the Twilight series... but honestly it was only for the romance. haha- it's hard to admit, but true.
6. I like the show 'Charmed'. After Olivia was born I watched it every day- it was on for 3 hours straight. That's also embarrassing to admit.. but hey, when you are nursing, only sleeping a few hours a night, and trying to heal after giving birth, there's not much more you can do but watch tv and veg!! oh, p.s. I don't watch it anymore. I think I've sceen every episode now. hahahaha PATHETIC!

The Rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let the person know you tagged them on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when you've posted.

Now I'm tagging who ever wants to play! I'm sure some of you have shared random things before... but you've got to think of more! Yes, I'm too lazy to actually tag anyone... Sorry.


Natalie said...

Good job! Thanks for doing it... you were fast! "Charmed"? I've never heard of it. And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that doesn't always get ready for the day.

Karen K. said...

Ok. I'll comment. If that man didn't bother Emily he probably won't bother you either. haha And Natalie, don't watch Charmed. ;) Sarah, you either. ;) ;) Do you really not get dressed three days a week? Don't you just feel gross? Ugh. I couldn't do it, although I 'admire' people who can. I think it just means I'm too uptight! (No... not ME). I wish our family could live close by too. I think you and Olivia should come live here for the next month. Yay! I didn't know you didn't like being tickled... but then, does anyone? And, did you like Breaking Dawn? How was that for a very all-over-the-place comment? And, by the way, I tagged you too. If you did it once, you can do it again. Love ya!

Sarah Coyne said...

Oh my gosh, I am a Charmed geek too! I've seen every episode too!! So sad, but so good at the same time!!