Thursday, September 11, 2008

An update for the curious

I don't think I evr explained the house situation. Yes, we sold our house. No, we did not purhase a new one. This is why as of today we moved in to Brett's parents house. We did actually try to buy a few houses but neither worked out. So... if we do not find a house in the next 2 weeks we will be looking to move into an apartment until we find what we are looking for. We have had quite the trouble with our realitor and other things, soo, it hasn't been the funnest! Wish us luck on finding something fast!!! (for the sake of Brett's paretns... they are SOO nice to have us for a few weeks!)


Dawn said...

Yes, I was one of the curious so thanks for the update! Hopefully you find a home soon, having just gone through the buying and selling mess a year ago I completely understand how frustrating it can be. Thanks for the photo class info. I am afraid with my stinky internet service I wouldn't get as much out of an online class as I could. I may have to find something local, if that's possible. Let me know when the next class comes up though because maybe my internet situation will improve by then.

Lanette said...

We were curious too. Good luck with the hunt! Maybe you can move into our ward!

Natalie said...

Good luck looking for a house! when do you guys want to come over and play?!

Karen K. said...

NEW P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S ! ! ! ! ! puhleeze. ;)

Sarah Coyne said...

Hey Sarah! We were sad to see you guys go! I hope everything works out and you get into a new house soon!