Monday, September 08, 2008

First Sentences

Olivia has surprised us a lot with her speaking skills lately... These are the latest things she has said.
-"I want toast!"
-"NO WAY!"
"What's up dude?"
"What Sarah?" -She said that when I was yelling down the stairs at her. Brett had said it about 5 minutes earlier and so she had remembered. Now she thinks it is funny to say it.
"A bit more please"
"oops, I'm sorry"

She is also surprisingly using her "I's" "you's" "mine" yours" words exactly how she should. I figured she would be saying "Livies shoes"," Mommies shoes" until she was 3 or so, but some how she has picked up pretty well on the "my shoes" "your shoes" thing. It REALLY surprieses me when she uses it correctly. I under-estimate this girl!

Olivia is also at the 'tape recorder' age. She repeats EVERY new word she hears. Liv's found some fruit-snacks in her back pack and I said "oooo, you hit the Jack-Pot!" Livies quickly repeats "JACK-POT!" It doesn't matter the word, if it is new to her she has to try it out! It can be pretty funny sometimes. I like to make up words and so Liv is always copying my made-up words. Brett doesn't like it, he thinks I'm teaching Livs a made-up vocab... RATS! (she likes to say that too! hahaha!)


Anonymous said...

My personal favorite for the week is "Go away Josh!" I just love this girl!

Dawn said...

What a fun age! They always think it's great when they call you by your first name. I think it's because it always catches us off guard. Can't wait to hear more vocab throughout the year. It's about the time when she will start saying some inappropriate sentences that may embarrass you in public. Luckily a lot of other people can't always understand what your child is saying.

Cecilia said...

Woohoo for new sentences!
"What Sarah?" is my favorite :)

Natalie said...

I've been amazed at how Hannah's been picking you "mine" and "yours", etc, too! At this age they are little sponges! Cute stories you shared. you'll be glad you wrote all this down!

Karen K. said...

Well, she picked up "CWAP" really quickly. ;)

Lindsay Marchant said...

I love the "What Sarah?" That is so cute. I can just imagine her saying that. She is growing up so fast!

Alisha said...

my fav is "a bit more please". i mean really! who says that. love it.

Emily D said...

awww! That made me all giddy inside! I want to talk to her... Man, i really miss that girl. I can't believe she said, "What Sarah?" That's so funny!

Anonymous said...

Scott also likes to say Rats because of you, Sarah. The big difference there is that Scott is almost 28...