Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Photography Class

So- I started an on-line photography class from this Lady. She is pretty much AMAZING. I haven't done too much with the class given my VERY VERY busy schedule lately, but I'm hoping to do more this coming week when we are happily in Brett's parents house with little to do! Isn't it funny how when you aren't at home you all of a sudden have nothing to do!? Anyway- I've learned a little and was testing it out with Liv's in these pictures. This is the camera is manual mode instead of 'point and shoot' mode! I never thought I could....


Lanette said...

Love the pictures! That's great that you're taking a class, you've got major talent.

Cecilia said...

Great pictures! You're a pro already!!!!

Dawn said...

Love the pics! She is so adorable. Feel free to send pointers my way at any time. :0)

Unknown said...

Yay, I'm so excited that you decided to take a photography class! You seriously have an amazing eye already. I hope you learn lots and have fun!
Jessica Durfee

Tiffany said...

Where abouts is this "lady?" I would LOOOOOVVVE to take some photography classes. So if you know of any nearby (Provo) let me know! GREAT pics by the way