Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Front Yard... HELP!

pansies up close.. I just planted them a few days ago, so we'll see how they grow!

These are some pictures of our front yard. I really want to plant some more stuff in the bark-dust part. We are going to dig out all the bark dust and put in potting soil. So- I don't know WHAT to plant and where. I want some shrubberies, bushes, beautiful crawling plants that climb up that pole thing on our house, and some flowers. I want it to be green and lush and beautiful! I don't know what plants do well in Utah, and they have to be FULL sun plants too, because this part of the yard is always sunny. So- any suggestions!? My mom said she will help me when she comes out in April. Woohoo! We just need to figure out what to plant.


nettie said...

go to a nursery (not lowes or home depot) and ask what grows best in your area. My sister's home faces the setting sun, and last year she planted zinnia's (I think) and they bloomed like crazy all summer long. They are annuals though...

I finally broke down and bought a houston garden book, so I could know what plants grow best here. It has really helped me. You might look into a Utah gardening book.

Have fun. I have been in the garden for the past week, and I LOVE it!

Cecilia said...

Sorry friend, but I don't know anything about plants!!!I love to see a beautiful yard, but I don't like to do yard work...Maybe it's something I'll get into when the kids are out of the house and I'm bored!!!Who knows!!!Good luck!

Karen K. said...

We'll find a good nursery when I get there. It will be FUN!

Karen K. said...

Oh, I forgot: those brown things in the middle of your pansies? Uh, they're dead. You can break them off. ;)

Anonymous said...

For climbers and full sun I love the Clematis!! Perennials that just get better each year! Have fun with your yard. Your mom will be awesome help. Her yard is always so beautiful. Send her my way after your done with her.

Anonymous said...

There are two climbers I know grow well in this climate because they're in the reception center garden: wisteria and honeysuckle, both smell delicious, and both are in a lot of sun, though not full sun all day.

There is a nursery nearby that our last landlady swore by and wouldn't buy from anywhere else. If you want to know where it is, just ask!

Alisha said...

i was going to say honeysuckle too. good luck!

Natalie said...

I'm a big flower fan... but in addition to that you may want a few bushes. Nic knows the names of all those better than I, but a miniature burning bush might be fun. They turn bright red in the fall.

For a nursery, we love going to Olsen's in Payson.

BTW: Happy Birthday!


Why don't you just google it?