Thursday, January 31, 2008

A bit of Bad Luck

Well, we are HOME! It always feels so nice to be back to normal routine again. Unfortunately, I didn't have much luck on our flight home. First, we spilled our juice on the plane into the bag of plane cookies making a very ugly puke looking mess on the floor. oops. Then Brett showed up 1/2 late- not because of his OWN fault, but because he was watching and waiting on a screen outside the airport to tell him we had landed. I guess they didn't update it until half hour LATE! It was very frustrating waiting for luggage with Olivia by ourselves. Plus, Brett forgot his cell phone so I was imagining him dead on the road somewhere leaving us husbandless and stranded at the airport. It was an awful thought. So, Brett got there and I felt like things would be okay and I decided to just be happy even I was upset and stressed. So, I had 1 bag and our carseat and we kept Waiting, and waiting and waiting for the other bag to come. Well, it never did. They LOST our luggage! Now can I say I am mad at Southwest!? ;) So, we filled out a claim. LUCKILY (maybe I'm not TOO unlucky) they called this morning saying they found my bag. Well, the card-reader that I use to look at our pictures on this compueter is in that suitcase, so there will be no pictures until I get my bag. Hopefully it will arrive today. So, all in all, I was pretty stressed last night, mostly because I don't like traveling, but it all turned out okay. Now, I just hope they don't give me someone elses bag! (negative thinking, I know... I'm sure they will get it right ;))



That is aweful!!!! I am so sorry. I would hate to travel if I were you, it sounds like you have had awful experiences. The juice on the floor is funny- not for you- but for the rest of us- hahah. I can totally imagine it. I love you.