Thursday, October 18, 2007

Little bit about Brett and Sarah

What is his name? Brett

what is your name? Sarah

How long have you been together? We started dating in June of 2004, married August of 2006

How long did you date? you can do the math... (although, I usually lie and say a year and a half.. why? I don't know, it just sounds better!)

How old is he? 28

Who eats more? we eat about the same.. is that weird!? Brett thinks it is!

Who said I love you first? mmm, probably a mutual thing, but I would guess me! I am not the type to worry about the words 'I love you' so long as I already knew through actions..

Who is taller? Brett is 6'2'' and I'm 5'8"

Who sings better? haha, I don't know... were both not really singers

Who is smarter? Brett for sure

Who does the laundry? usually me

Who does the dishes?usually me, but Brett is good and helps out when he can

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do

Who pays the bills?Brett, thank goodness. I hate math and numbers!

Who mows the lawn? Brett, unless I beg

Who cooks dinner? oh, me again... I'm a little housewife!

Who drives when you're together? Brett, I don't care to drive at all

Who is more stubborn? probably me..

Who is the first to admit they're wrong? neither of us. I'm always right, and I know it.

Who kissed who first? I believe I kissed Brett. (but it wasn't like he didn't want to)He was awfully SLOW! (although, I was awfully quick...)

Who asked who out? Brett asked me out I guess. We hung out with a group of friends before we really dated, so I don't know..

Who proposed? Brett did, after a VERY LONG TIME (or so it seemed at the time)

Who is more sensitive? mm, I'd say I am

Who has more friends? I don't know... Brett makes friends in the ward and neighborhood faster, but I think I have a lot more "best" friends (the type you can say just about anything to..) I don't do so well with the half friend acquaintance thing. So while I only have like 2 friends here in Utah, Brett probably has 10!

Who has more siblings? Brett. Wowee, 7 kids!

Who wears the pants in the family? oh brother. What is that supposed to mean anyway!?


Anonymous said...

Great info, thanks for sharing!

nettie said...

i don't know who wears the pants in your family, but i definitely know who wears them in mine, and that's me! jeff's too much of a softie. (though i'm sure he'd disagree)

Anonymous said...

I think you and Brett are a perfect match! I'm so proud to call you my friend. What an awesome person you are.

Karen K. said...

I like your take on being right. You must take after your mother. And, if you were serious about the last basically means 'who's the boss' or 'who runs things'...

I also love the picture. I've never seen that one before. You two are a good match and I'm so happy for both of you. Love ya!

Lindsay Marchant said...

That was fun to read. I like you two together. were married in 2005, not 2006! :)


hahaha- thankyou lindsay- I was going to say that. you were married before me- and i was married in 05 silly girl. I love you. and everyone is absolutely correct- You two are perfect for EACHOTHER. I love you.