Thursday, October 25, 2007

Flu Shot

Liv with her cold wash clothe laying around and moping ;)

So, Livie and I got the flu shot Monday afternoon. Livie has had a high fever and doesn't feel well. Supposedly the shot can't GIVE you the flu since it's a dead vaccine, BUT they do say if it's your first time ever it can make you achey and give a you low fever. So, hopefully that's why Liv is not feeling well because it would be better by tomorrow. I thought it was over this morning because Olivia woke up happy and no fever. But around 6 this evening it came back... Interesting. Has this happened to anyone else? It made me a little achey but nothing too bad. They only gave Olivia half the vaccine and she's supposed to get the other half next month but I'm really debating if we want to do it AGAIN! If it's making her so ill, I just don't know if it's worth it. Should we go through with it? Do you think it's bad timing and she just got sick by coincidence?


Kristen P. said...

After I got the flu shot(the only one I ever had), I had the worst case of the flu I'd ever had! I missed a week of work. She doesn't even need a flu shot in my opinion. She doesn't go to daycare and is not immune compromised(like from a chronic disease). The flu shot doesn't really prevent you from getting sick it just lessens the severity when you do get it. I don't think it's worth it.

Karen K. said...

Sarah, I know this is long. Sorry!

I looked up a couple of sites: The following is a description of what can happen after the vaccine in infants and comes from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):

Fever, malaise, myalgia, and other systemic symptoms can occur after vaccination with inactivated vaccine and most often affect persons who have had no previous exposure to the influenza virus antigens in the vaccine (e.g., young children). These reactions begin 6–12 hours after vaccination and can persist for 1–2 days.

Then I went to the Ask Dr. Sears website and found the following flu site that talks about all the symptoms and how to get through it.

Anyway, your question is a tough call. I realize there are people like Kristen who end up with the flu. On the other hand, it might be better for Olivia to have two days of aches and pains vs. 2 weeks of aches, pains, coughing, vomiting, etc. in case she does come into contact with the virus. Just going to the grocery store and handling the cart or shaking hands with people at church can spread the virus that you can spread to Olivia. It's everywhere. Sometimes I think I should carry Clorox wipes everywhere I go. (Actually, not a bad idea...wipe off the cart! I think Trader Joes actually has some where there carts are).

Anyway, after all this writing, my thought is: It's supposedly the initial contact with the vaccine that will cause these symptoms that Olivia has (had). I think you should consider asking your doctor if the second half of the vaccine will affect her like the first one did. Anyway, it's a tough call but it might be worth it to keep her from getting a really bad case.

Karen K. said...

BTW, that is a really sad picture! It's obvious she doesn't feel good.

nettie said...

Here's my thoughts: One CANNOT get the flu from the flu shot, but that doesn't mean they won't get flu like symptoms. Olivia will be going to nursery before long, and there are some nasty sick kids who go to nursery. (Why do parents send sick kids to nursery?).

Like your mom said, I would ask your doctor what he thinks...generally if you have a reaction to a shot they won't give them another one.

sorry so long...

Here's some advice from a mom and a person who has had the flu...You NEVER, EVER in your entire life want to have it. One Christmas both Morgan and I caught the flu--the real thing, not just flu-like symptoms (I think it was called the California flu). Fortunately Jeff didn't get it. I thought I was going to die, and had I been less sick, I probably would've thought Morgan was going to die. At one point she started shaking and convulsing. I was scared. Jeff sat up with her the entire night, because she wouldn't sleep on her own. We were at home in FAllon, and we were leaving to go back to Houston the next day. I probably should've taken her to the er in Fallon, but I hate ER's. So we waited it out, and I made an appt for the next day in Houston. Morgan got over the flu pretty quickly but it took me FOREVER (2 weeks) to get over it. I believe (maybe I read it somewhere, or her dr told me) that she got over it quicker because she had had the flu shot and I hadn't.

The flu shot is not perfect, each year they guess what the virus will be like that year (based on previous years) and make the vaccine based on assumptions.

Both my kids get fevers and malaise after shots. I expect it now, so to me it's normal. You know Olivia best, go with you gut!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh she looks so sad! Well, even as a health care provider I choose not to get the vaccination. I personally believe in eating a healthy diet, exercising, taking multivitamins, and most importantly washing my hands frequently. My understanding with the vaccination is that each year they try to see what strain of virus is active and then they create the vaccination to fight off these certain strains. When people say that they got the flu from the virus they probably either had a different strain of the flu virus then the vaccination protected against or they contracted the virus before the vaccination had a chance to take affect. Just a guess. The flu vaccine is recommended for the elderly, and the immunocompromised (or as kristen said those who are more suseptible to illnesses). I know that people who truly get the real flu are miserable but I think it can be fought off with a healthy immune system. I haven't ever had my own children vaccinated either but ultimately it is your decision. If you are really unclear about it talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks. Good luck, I am so sorry she is sick. Give her hugs and kisses.

Karen K. said...

I think the CDC site recommended it for babies 6 mos and up... isn't it nice that all our different opinions are making it harder for you? Again, I really think you should ask your doctor if he thinks she'll react as negatively to the second dose... if they tend to not react to the second dose, she may as well finish it and be immunized against the real deal.

Jill said...

I've always been told that the flu shot doesn't give kids the flu. BUT, with that said, when Byron had his first flu shot last year, he came down with the flu that day and it lasted 2 days, then I got it and then Wade. But he got another shot just a few weeks ago, and other than a sore leg, he had no problems at all. So maybe it's just worse the first time around...? I have no idea. But it might be worth it...Byron gets sick really easy anyway, that's the only reason I decided to go ahead and chance it again this year. As we speak, he's hacking and snotting all over the place in the next room, but at least he's not pukin'!!!

Alisha said...

karen was right with her last comment. the cdc recommends the flu shot for children 6 months of age to (i think 8 yrs).
i agree with nettie. the true flu is horrible! as much as flu-like symtoms stink they are short lived.
the first time i got the flu shot (due to working in health care) i got flu-like symptoms. since then, each year i get it and my side effects are less and less.
jill got her's on thurs and also got a low grade temp. (she has never had a reaction to other vaccines). i discussed not gettin git with my dr. but ended up doing it b/c jillis always in primary with me and all the little ones are all over her.
i hope sweet livie feels better. what a sad sad face.

Sarah Peterson said...

maybe I should clarify- Liv's temp was around 102 and she has cried and cried for 3 days straight now. She wouldn't eat ANYTHING but her soy milk and even that she had a hard time downing. Today she is better, so I think the worst is over. I just don't know if I can do 3 more days of torture to get the second half of the vaccine. That would equal about 1 week of PURE torment for both Olivia AND me. So, the question is: will it effect her the same way AGAIN to get the other half? If you think it will be better I will go through with it. I just can't weigh benefit and risk.. Risk- she MIGHT get the flu
Benefit- if she DOES get it, she can handle it better
What I know- she WILL be sick again if she gets the 2nd half.

Hmmm, I just can't decide. I'm sure she'll end up getting the 2nd half though... I already planned on it, I just don't want to do it.

Karen K. said...

Sarah, I know it's been a long haul and it's tortuous to have to watch your baby hurt and cry. It sounds like you've decided to go ahead with the second half of the vaccine. So, think positively, ok? She may NOT have bad symptoms at all with the next vaccine. The really bad symptoms may only come with the first dose. Before she has it (the night before?) have Brett give her a blessing. I love you and I still miss little Livie running around here and grabbing the dog's bowl! (yuk)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sarah, you poor thing. I am so sorry. Poor Livie. She also may have had something else going on as well, who knows. Most likely since she has already had exposure to the vaccination she will tolerate the 2nd dose better or without any problems. Asking your physician about the chances of her doing this again is still your best bet even though all of us have fantastic advice for you :0). He deals with it on a daily basis with a lot of kids.

Anonymous said...

Sar, Have you taken her back in? I skimmed the comments and didn't see if you had. Usually when fevers flare at night they have something else like an ear infection. The symptoms and the flu shot could be totally unrelated. Love you guys!


WELL- obviously I am not a mother, and I have NEVER had the flu. BUT- i want to give my opinion. I grew up in a home with a mom that is AGAINST SHOTS. So I never got them except teh ones I HAD TO GET in order to go to teh public school system- and I NEVER get sick. I have awful sinuses- (because I drink milk- i think i'm allergic) otherwise- the only time I get sick is if I'm NOT taking care of myself- or food poisoning. I agree with the one who said a healthy life style and immune system is what you need. I strongly believe that we can do what we need to do to fight colds, flus etc. It seems like most people who get sick alot, are the ones that aren't taking care of themselves. eating healthy, exercizing- etc. I just don't understand the logic whatsoever in getting a shot so you won't get sick- "just in case" but you get a shot that basically garuntees you sickness- isn't that the whole point in getting the shot? so you wont' get sick? and all these people- no offense- that have taken these shots got sick! all the people that haven't - don't have flu stories! The answer seems obvious. BUT- that's my non-educated, non mother, not ever had the flu opinion! Rather arrogant! But- you know me and I knwo you- so I feel I can be blunt! - I love you- and I knwo you'll make teh right decision. I'm so sorry for the both of you. I will pray for the both of you- although it's all probably over now. I hope things get better.


Oh yeah- and doctors are always going to tell you to get the shots-because they're paid to encourage these things- but I grew up with a crazy "i hate doctors mom" so I'm really bias. But I just don't trust doctors at all, you pay all this money for them to say "hmm I'm not sure what's going on, just get some rest, and drink alot of fluids." and they shove shots down your throat! SO- I really shouldn't be giving my opinion.